Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New Bed Progress Is Slow

This picture is to show the placement of this morning's project. I am building a new three wall flower bed and the red oval denotes the lawn area and the grass on the other side of the small trench will become the new flower bed area. The red oval also indicates where I built and dug in a rock garden bench landing. I have been collecting flat rocks for a while now and am at a stand still on other aspects of this project until a skid steer comes back and dumps the rest of my dirt in this area. The piles of dirt are too far away from this spot and too much would have to be moved to do it with a wheel barrow. This picture was taken early this spring so things look a lot different now but the placement is easy to see in this picture.

I started by digging around each rock and setting it in, adding dirt to level it as I went. I then back filled around each one until it felt solid and grass will once again grow around it and make them look like they had been there a while. Dave, from The Home Garden, did this same thing in his garden and posted about it on his blog this morning. I was inspired to just go ahead and get mine done after he made his look so nice. Thanks Dave! I sometimes need a little push, even if the ideas was there and the rocks were piled in the area. The sun wasn't shining here yet when I started. 

This process wasn't mentally difficult just hot and tiring.  I will eventually put a garden bench or something like it in this spot when the rest of the bed behind it is finished.

I actually need one more rock in the top left corner of this picture just to make it look finished but wouldn't you know that nothing I had left would fit there nicely? That's OK though, I got a lot done and the grass won't take anytime at all to fill in around the rocks and make it look like it's been here forever.

Here is the view from the same standpoint as the first picture in this post.The missing rock is now in the top right corner of the rock arrangement. It will look a lot more complete when there is a bench and pretty plantings all around it. One step at a time around here. This was something I could get done while heavy muscle was unavailable. This is the last day of my vacation and I didn't want to squander it with laziness.


  1. Looks terrific! Love reading words like "skid steer"--and I thought I was a country girl.

  2. I love it!!! Great job!!! I can't wait to see it progress!

  3. Looking good! I'm impressed that you were out there before dawn and slaving away on the last day of vacation!

  4. The rock setting looks very natural now. Thats a good start. Cheers!

  5. You are a hard worker. All that digging and carrying the rocks must have been tiring. It looks great. That's going to be a huge bed when it's finished!

  6. That's going to be a pleasing little destination spot in your yard. Man, you guys have a lot of room. It's almost inconceiveable here. Enjoy!

  7. Ohhh, I want to do this...I love it!

  8. Looks stuning! Great work, Heather! Some people are working (you) and some people are having fun in the pool (me and my little daughter)! Dividing the working tasks! :))

  9. Oh, I really like what you are doing Heather. Your poor back ;-)

  10. You really put a lot of FUN and CREATIVITY in the garden....
    Have Fun,
    ~ bangchik

  11. Nice and looks like a lot of work. This is what I want to do with our native garden plot, but haven't quite gotten up the nerve yet.

  12. Looking nice Heather! I think you were the "muscle" for that job!

  13. Terrific! As you are inspired by Dave, I am inspired by you! I better get my butt in gear and finish a few projects of my own. They are just so easy to put off, tho! Can you tell I'm a total procrastinator?

  14. Its very fun and wonderful garden and house is also beautiful ...........

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