Sunday, July 19, 2009

My New Favorite Garden Tool

My new (cheap) MP3 player is my new garden best friend. I have wanted this for quite some time. It isn't fancy, it's not an Ipod, it wasn't expensive. It was at the top of the list from Netlibrary as perfect for playing their downloadable e-audiobooks. I love to read. In summer I don't have time to read. I first started listening to audiobooks when I commuted two hours each way to go to hygiene school. One also should not read while driving. Ever. It was the perfect way to get my pleasure reading in without wasting valuable study time to do it. They were hard to listen to at first. I have a very short attention span. But two or three books later I swear my listening skills improved ten fold. I noticed I even got more out of lecture. That was great. I have always known myself to be an active learner. I must read it or screw it up for myself before I get anything out of it.

Our state, at least for now, has a contract with the Netlibrary to deliver online, downloadable audiobooks to library patrons who live in my area. I think all areas of Idaho. But the state is strapped so who knows for how long this will continue. But for now I can listen to all the books on tape I want right here on my handy dandy little MP3 player. OK, so I had to have my daughter help me add music to it. I am so lame at all things like this. Once I have been shown, I can usually figure it out myself but why bother when a perfectly capable 13 year old lives in the house?

In the last three days I have spent 13 hours, 55 minutes and some seconds outside doing my yard work and enjoying every minute of it. I wasn't bored with my own company even once. This is a record. I should have done this years ago. I listened to Nevada Barr, Winter Study and got all kinds of things done. If you have never checked into this and you love to read, this is a great way to read and get things done. I am smitten. there are also lots of sites out there that will let you pay them to download their books but I am and have always been a fan of the library. Plus this way is free. Ask your local library if they have anything like this. It really is fantastic!

PS~ I was actually outside way longer than the 13 hours, 55 minutes but those were the hours I enjoyed the most. Just didn't want you to think I was a slacker. Every good vacation must be filled with things one enjoys!


  1. Slacker! :) Good for you for not cavin into the ipod monopoly, though I must say once I did I was amazed at how easy and user friendly that thing is.

  2. I listen to podcasts outside- the BBC ones are free- and I download them onto my Blackberry. I tired audio books but I would drift off in my own thoughts and lose the plot...LOL it is nice to have some company out there though I agree, especially when doing mundane repetitive tasks like pricking out or potting on. :-)

  3. How cool. We just got my husband a mp3 player while he does his 1.2 hour commute in the van pool. Since our kids are out of the house (recent college grads) guess we will have to figure out the loading of said device ourselves! We like NPR radio, so think some of those shows will get downloaded. I do think one's listening skills would have to improve. We used to listen to Radio Mystery Theater on AFN radio when we lived in Germany--- radio theater, what a treat!

  4. I love Nevada Barr, great books. Kim bought me an ipod when we got our last Mac (a deal at $100). I'll check into the downloadable books. Great idea, Heather!

  5. It's easy for me to cruise through 10 hours of yard work when my ipod is on..makes the 'work' simply more enjoyable :) Books would be a great idea!

  6. Sounds good, I will have to check it out.

  7. What a fantastic idea!
    Gotta try this once my kids get back in school.

  8. I can't do audio books. I tend to let my mind wander too much. I was going to qualify that with when I am outside, but it tends to be a bit more often than that. Music would be my choice for things on mp3 players. Great idea for those not as distractable as myself.

  9. I love audio books. I never thought of listening to them in the garden. What a great idea to make time fly. My first audio book was John Grisham's The Rainmaker. It was so good! Maybe your library carries him? That's great about your state library too.

  10. Heather - I can really see how great audiobooks can be in the car or train on the way to work but I personally think they could really detract from the experience of being outside in the garden. I would miss the calls of visiting birds, chickens laying....

  11. Interesting! I looked at the audio book section (briefly) when I returned my (unread) library books this week! Like time! Think for now I'll tune-in to nature and hit the books (and not the TV) when the snow flies! : ))

  12. Holy mother of pearl...over 14 hours of being in your garden? Heck, you make us all look like slackers! You've been one busy bee. I love MP3 players, too. I don't have one of my own, but borrow my daughter's on occasion. You are helping convince me to get one of my own. Nothing like great music to accompany the beauties of the garden.

  13. Great way to be productive and have tons of fun!

  14. I love audio books. I usually listen to them while commuting into work. I never thought to listen while gardening but it's a great idea! 14 hours in the garden - wow you must be exhausted. -Jackie

  15. Heather~~ We know you're not a slacker! What a great idea! I think it would take time, like you said, to train your brain to tune in but what a time saver!

  16. I never get enough reading done in the summer! What a great idea!


Thank you for your ideas, suggestions or greetings. I love to hear from you and read them all.