Friday, July 17, 2009

Island Bed and Edging

Well, since I am on vacation with no where to go, I thought I would tidy things up around my yard and garden. The chicken house consumed so much time, that some things were neglected this summer. 

Here is the island bed with things growing very well. I planted all of this in the heat of the summer last year when the bed was new. I just could not wait until fall. I lost very few things and everything else is doing well. I finally did cut back the huge daisies that were falling over and that really opened it up. I will use some kind of grow rings or supports next year. You can even see my chicken house in the background. I love that thing. The pretty red door is open to try and cool it off this morning.

Same bed from a different angle. I am only going to plant a few things into this bed this year because I want to see how the spacing is in year two before I add anything else. I know I planted some things too close at the onset. That should be easy to remedy before this bed is too full.

Here is one more shot from the corner of the boomerang shape. I still want to add a decorative small tree in this corner to anchor it a little but I can do that at any time. Maybe in the fall.

I am just loving this bee balm this year. It is so pretty even if it is 3 feet taller than the instructions said it would be. I have about six of these in several colors and one is a scarlet double. I like it too but it did not photograph well this morning. Not enough coffee yet.

This is a different bed that lines the edge of the raised bed garden. I edged it and top dressed it with new bark mulch. I love that stuff. I have one bed left to do and then all of the finished beds are done for the year. Better late than never. I think that edging everything really makes it look clean and tidy. I love clean and tidy, even if my plantings are a mess. My lupine got powdery mildew this year and I ended up chopping it off to try and keep it from spreading.  This area might be getting too much water being right next to a raised bed veggie garden. I am off to work on the butterfly garden bed and then I will be done until someone (Doyle) get the skid-steer over here to put more dirt in my newest bed in progress.


  1. Very nice job with everything. You are inspiring me to get myself going to get things spruced up a bit more around my parts. :)

  2. Very nice! My dear husband made me some new flower beds this year and they are awaiting some edging. We plan to use river rock, and the river should be low enough soon to gather some nice ones.

  3. Love the shape of the bed and the rocks that surround it. I miss not having bee balm this year. We have it every year but the slugs totally destroyed it this year and I chopped it all down because I couldn't stand looking at the pitiful chewed off leaves.

  4. That edging stone is real nice. Do you have to purchase it or is it natural in your area? Our natural stone is mostly limestone which looks good but doesn't have that nice rounded look. The edging looks great too!

  5. Absolutely lovely Heather! I enjoyed how you lined the beds with rocks--it looks like jewelry in the garden. You have a nice eye for design. BTW, I put you in my blogroll on my site!

  6. I haven't been over here in a while. I've missed you. Your gardens look great!!!

  7. Gosh no weeds and all so tidy.

  8. Hi Heather!
    You are right, it does look nice edged. I love Bee balm too, it's a pretty low maintenance flower. It is a native here!

  9. I always need to deadhead or cut back different plants. Your garden looks so tidy!

  10. Oh, it's so pretty! You've done such a good job, Heather!

  11. are such a motivator. Your gardens do look neat and tidy, and is time to go around the rest of the landscape and leave the veggies to fend for themselves for a couple of days. Just have to take care of the last of peas first.

  12. Heather, I also am inclined to plant things too close to each other. Your garden is so neat and the chicken house is a 'work of art' I bet the chickens are loving it.
    It must be a good year for the bee balm, as mine is very tall too.

  13. I like that bee balm, very flashy. It reminds me of a fountain.

  14. Your edging looks awesome- I've never seen it done like that before and it look so cool! Good job and great idea!
    Both of my bee balms got powdery mildew this year... I just couldn't bring myself to chop it down like you did with your lupine!

  15. That does look nice and neat. Sometimes staying at home can be as much fun as relaxing on a beach somewhere!

  16. It looks great. I like the spacing as it is. So nice and neat and the flowers do show off.

  17. It looks so pretty and neat! I wish I could get mine to look that good. The chicken house looks great in the background.

  18. Hi, Heather! My garden is a shambles compared to your well-groomed bed. I wonder what is the trick to growing bee balm? Mine is miserable and looks to be dying. People told me it would run rampant here, overtaking everything! Ha! Not so!

  19. Looking nice Heather! What a difference a little edging can make.

  20. Love the view of the coop out in the distance! Great beds!

  21. Ship shape and very tidy, I'd say! the beds look great :)
    Plant Lady


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