Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bagel Recipe

This recipe used the bread maker to make the dough. I am a fan of not kneading if I don't have to. Several of you asked for the recipe so here you go!

Bagel Dough

Water, 80 F/ 27 C 1 Cup
Sugar 1-1/2 TBL
Salt 1-1/2 tsp
Bread Flour 3 Cups
Active Dry Yeast 2 tsp

Glaze: Egg, beaten

Toppings (optional): Sesame Seeds, Poppy Seeds, Cracked Wheat Dry Cereal, Dehydrated Onions

1. Add above ingredients for the dough into the breadmaker pan in the order listed. Set your breadmaker to a dough cylcle, wait.

2. Place on a lightly floured surface. Divide into 8 peices. Roll each in a smooth ball, making a hole in the center of each with thumbs. Gently pull to make a 1-inch hole. Place on a greased cookie sheet. Cover and let rise in a warm place for 10 minutes.

3. In a 3-quart sauce pan, bring to a boil 2 quarts of water and 2 TBL of sugar. Place a few bagels at a time in boiling water. Simmer 3 minutes, turning each bagel once. Remove with a slotted soon and put back on greased baking sheet.

4. Brush with egg and sprinkle with choice of toppings. Bake at 400 F for 20 to 25 minutes or until done; cool on wire rack.


  1. Sounds delicious! I guess I need to add "Bread Maker" to my list of things to buy!

  2. I've never tried making bagels before but I think I might try them now especially with it being so easy as using a bread maker. Thanks for sharing! -Jackie

  3. I like making bagels when we have the time to devote to them.

    We use our Kitchenaid mixer to knead -- works terrifically, especially for very wet doughs like foccacia.

  4. Thanks Heather - will definitely try these!

  5. Thanks Heather, I can't wait to try these! They look yummy!

  6. I will have to try these out, looks like a great recipe!

  7. Just found your blog after you found me on Twitter! Your bagel recipe is basically my bread recipe, but you boil the dough first. Hmm ... must try this soon!

    Hope you'll stop in for a visit at Antiquity Oaks!

  8. Sounds like a great recipe - I will have to try this out! I'm with Stefaneener on the Kitchenaid mixer. I just got rid of my old breadmaker and use the mixer with dough hook for all the kneading - and yes, it does work wonderfully!

  9. I have never tried making bagels, but I LOVE eating them. This looks like a simple enough recipe to try! Thanks for sharing. And BTW, I wanted to let you know that I purchased my own domain name and am officially a dot com. So make sure to change your reader to www.GardeningWithMissDaisy.com. I hope to continue to see you around.


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