Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Homemade Bagel

Rain and cool weather always makes me feel like Betty Crocker. My husband finally went back to working in the woods and I am thankful. I finally have some time to tinker around the house and garden and just generally do whatever I want to. Doyle never places demands on my time, I do it all by myself. But there is something nice to being home alone and I couldn't wait for this work year to begin for him. I must say he could not wait for it to begin either. The logging industry is in the dirt, to say the least. This is officially the very latest start time in Doyle's history. He was going bat-crap crazy at home so much. I think he really wanted away from my Honey Do list. I always help him out by making him a list too. Goes over like a ------ in church.

I decided to try my hand at making homemade bagels. I love bagels and only store bought is to be had in these parts. Store bought is rarely worth eating. So I attempted it myself. I used the bread maker to make the dough. Very simple process. I then shaped and rose one more time for 10 minutes. The cute little bagels then went into a pan of boiling sugar water for three minutes, turning half way through.

They I egg washed them and into the oven they went.  Twenty five minutes later we had homemade bagels. For my butt to grow. That's what bagels do for me.

I didn't have the appropriate toppings for bagel masterpieces but plain is usually just as good. I will seriously have to figure out how on earth the bagel making pros make such perfectly round bagels. Mine were not but they eat just the same. I admit, this is a very simple way to make bagels but my whole family, mom included, loved them. I will rate them a hit and plan to make more. The yogurt wheat bread attempt that followed did not go nearly as well and needless to say, Doyle made sandwiches for work on bagels this morning. Dual purpose too, you see?


  1. Yummy! The bagels look scrumptious!
    Hey, I share the feeling. My husband fights fire and also had the latest EVER season start this year. I miss him, but also enjoy my "alone season" that lets me catch up on projects, reading, and visits with girlfriends.

  2. I have never had homemade bagels but now I am hankering for some. Where do you get the time and energy to do all you do?

  3. These look yummy Heather! My sister made some bagels (maybe still does). It is a lot of steps to get done. Good for you to make these.

  4. Those look really good, I've never tried making them before. Plain is good, then you can put whatever you want in them.

  5. Post your recipe. I would love to try this! They look delish!!! I didn't realize you boiled them, very interesting

  6. These look FANTASTIC.. would you be willing to share the recipe? I'd love to try them too..

  7. I can't believe you made bagels!! I made them last week and sprinkled sesame seeds on mine. Yours look delicious. I cheated though, and made the dough in my bread machine.

  8. Mmmmmm... They look delicious!

  9. They look Yummy....but I can only dream, since I am gluten intolerant. I made them once years ago, before my gluten-free days. Now I wouldn't trade my improved health for all the bagels, cookies, donuts, and rolls in the world. But I do confess I salivate over those little sourdough loaves they bring you in nice restaurants. :-) I remember how good they were.

  10. Recipe please - they look great!!

  11. I would love to see the recipe too. Especially if you used the bread maker. I can do that!

  12. Yummy girl that is awesome! they look pretty and i'd smather them in strawberry jelly.

  13. Good lord Heather.... you can do everything!! :) Very cool!


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