Monday, July 13, 2009

Intimidating Row Garden

The (not so new) Intimidating Row Garden is coming along nicely! I am so pleased with the permanent paths with the wood shavings in them. They really are great for easy access and less muddy feed. This picture is of the East end of the garden. The patty pan sqaush, zucchini and crookneck are here along with all the different kinds of beans. Doyle also has sunflowers for the birds at the end here too.

The corn is officially taller than me in all places but this end. We think this end got wet during all the rain and stayed wet the longest. From our research we have learned that corn likes to get thirsty between watering and we had three weeks of constant rain. It wasn't thirsty but the other end is 6 feet tall and going crazy. 

My bell peppers are doing great despite the cooler weather for this summer so far. I picked most of the 7 inchers to make way for the smaller ones to grow. I was running an experiment to see at what point the walls of this fruit become plump and thick. I still haven't figured it out but leaving such huge bells on the plant was driving Doyle nuts.

This is the cucumber area and it needs a little weeding. The smaller stature cucumbers are on heavily but the others are taking their sweet time. I know when they are ready I will be really busy so I welcome the stall.

This here beauty is Doyle's big pimpkin. He loves to grow pumpkins for the little people in our lives. They have so much fun checking the progress with him that he really ought to grow more but we have been there done that. What does one do with 100+ pumpkins? Put them in unlocked cars:-D

I was trying to get the whole thing in one picture but no such luck. 90 feet is a lot to have in one shot. We are thinking about expanding this for next year. We will likely just keep going where it ends way down at the end of this picure. We would like to add a raspberry patch and more planting areas for easier rotation. I never thought I would fill this garden up but I was out of room before I was finished planting. We will see how the rest of this summer goes before we make up our minds. Someday I would really like to go camping and so far we have worked our way into too much work to leave for any period of time. Silly us!


  1. Your garden looks so LUSH! My husband's vegetables are so puny compared to yours! Looking forward to watching the progression.

  2. oh my gosh...what a gorgeous veggie garden! the heat here is just anhiliating all my garden's growth and pollination..i'm hoping for better luck in the fall with the new raised beds.

    but your rows are just something to strive for! simply beautiful..:)

  3. Looks great! Everything is so nice and neat!

  4. Soooooooooooo impressed by your veg garden! What a great amount of fresh food you'll have. Good for you, Heather.

  5. Very nice Heather, everything is looking sooooo good. Makes ya hungry to go raid the garden - yum corn.

  6. That is amazing! I can't believe how much you have growing and how big it all is. You must be really proud of it and all the hard work!

  7. Heather you garden is, to say the least, awesome, and so much work. You and your family, and friends I am sure, are going to reap the rewards of all this bounty.
    Loved the comment about leaving pumpkins in unlocked cars *chuckle*

  8. Heather: Great row garden. I know what you mean about going camping. What with all the gardening and farming there is always work to be done and work that needs done RIGHT NOW!! and not after vacation. I am debating asking Mark to make another garden so I can rotate things a little better. It is so nice now to have great veggies with little pest presssure, but I think it is because the garden is still new. Mark likes to grow pumpkins, too.

  9. Wow! Everything looks sooo good!

  10. Gosh what a big garden no wonder you are pleased with the sawdust keeping the paths less muddy and weed free. Everything looks so healthy. Must be careful the goats don't get in and eat the lot.

  11. You should be very proud of yourselves. This is one sweet and fresh looking row garden-huge and wonderful for sure.

  12. Your new garden looks beautiful and things look to be growing great.
    Corn is pollinated by wind, so it could be that the end with the short corn didn't get pollinated as well. Is that the direction your prevailing winds come from?

  13. Heather your garden looks so great. Wow, I love green peppers.You are going to be one busy lady when everything ripens.

  14. Hi Heather,
    Everything is looking fantastic, you have worked really hard at making a wonderful place there. We have to retire where I can grow corn, I miss it!

  15. How DO you do it, Heather? That garden is awesome, and it's just part of your garden. Our scale is miniature in comparison (but still keeps us way busy). I cannot wait to see what you do with the harvest!

  16. I worked in a garden somewhat like this one year. It was great fun lugging in pails and pails of produce -- certainly beyond anything I'd dealt with before. It's a beautiful sight.

  17. That is one beautiful veg garden, Heather! Your corn rows look perfect! No, you can't leave and go on vacation....maybe in November!

  18. Your garden really does look great! I can't wait to see those pumpkins. With all your chickens you should have some pretty good compost for next year.

  19. Looks good, much better than anything around here. We're having a poor year with all the rain and cool temps. Lately nights have been dropping into the 40s and daytime temps into the 60s. Even the field corn that managed to get planted early is not much more than knee high and the later planted corn is only ankle high :(

    Hope you find some time to take off and do something for fun besides tending the garden and animals.

  20. Your garden looks so nice! I wish I had that much room for myself.
    Have fun!

  21. I love to look at everything. It's free inspiration for what could be. I am so excited to see what the harvest brings!

  22. I can't believe how much everything has grown and so quickly...looks nice.....


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