Saturday, July 25, 2009

Bucks In The River

On our recent trip to pick raspberries at the Ford Ranch, we saw a wonderful site on our way home. It's not every day you get to see deer at play. 

The buck on the left had an injury to his horn. At first we thought it was gone but the close up shots of this picture show that is is actually curled down in front of his ear. We saw these guys from the bridge as we passed over the river on our way home. 

I spooked this one and he took of running. He didn't run long and his pals were looking at him like he was crazy so he didn't run too far either.

And finally on the other side they all stopped and let me take their pictures again. What nice deer, huh? By this time other people on the highway were turning around to come see what we were parked on the bridge looking at. It's not often that I am able to get good pictures of the wildlife that abounds in this part of Idaho so I am always thrilled when it works out.


  1. That's wonderful! They are so pretty! I love being to catch wildlife in pictures when we go hiking. It's nice living here in Idaho. Nothing better! :)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. I always get excited when I see deer too, those bucks are so cute.

  3. Great shots of the deer!

    I am not so fond of them right now, as one came in and grazed on my zucchini, squash and tomatoes in a new garden spot we have this year. :-(

  4. This is what I picture your neck of the country to be like. Just wild and beautiful.

  5. Love that 2nd action shot, Heather! This is the only place I enjoy seeing them...NOT in my! How'd your Cherries do at the County Fair?

  6. how cool. my brothers would die to see something like that. they are hunters of course.

  7. Great pictures - they look like they were having fun!

  8. Lovely shots. What a nice break for you all.

  9. You got some really good shots! How cool! -Jackie

  10. You have some great shots of wildlife in the outdoors here. Love it.

  11. Great shots. It's hard to spot the wildlife here. Mostly when I do we're driving on the highway where you're not allowed to stop / gittan

  12. Neat pictures! I saw a deer yesterday peering out at me as I turned my car down a street near ours. We get deer in the yard from time to time that I would rather keep out. They are fun to watch but after their damage I can do without them!

  13. Hi Heather! What a treat to see these beautiful animals! Especially when they are not in my garden eating whatever they like. Great pictures! Thanks for looking at my Alaska posts! I already miss that world of majestic beauty and wild animals.

  14. Hi Heather~~ I saw "bucks" "river" and "raspberries" and thought, oh no, the expensive raspberries accidentally fell in the river. LOL. [Yes, I'm a bit off.]

    Fantastic photos. I hope the deer's antler will heal itself. The river and rocks and plantings look so inviting. Beautiful country!

    Routinely we see deer around here. I always stop the car and stare and pray there is nobody tailgating me. Last week I had a close call. A darling, sweet, adorable fawn, with SPOTS, darted across the road in front of me. I came within inches of hitting him. I hope he learned his lesson. :)

  15. I love seeing deer, antelope, whatever. When I used to bike to Micron there were often antelope along the way. Once a huge male ran right across the road in front of me. It was thrilling, they're so fast!

  16. Hi Heather. My husband and I saw some does playing in one of the creeks we go over last year. What a treat. Now we always look to see if we can see a similar site. They are such pretty animals, and playful too. I can almost forgive them the few bites they take from my garden. I have had them visit occasionally, but they've never absolutely destroyed anything.

  17. We saw so many deer on our trip to Yellowstone that I just posted about. I don't know how anyone can hunt these beautiful creatures! You got some fun pictures and how lovely to be able to get up so close!

  18. The deers are so cute , and beautiful nature ...........

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