Friday, September 25, 2009

I Love My Chickens, but.........

I absolutely love my chickens! They are amusing to watch and greet me with total enthusiasm as long as I don't try to touch most of them. Some breeds are friendlier than others but hey, I am not complaining. They like to be invited to a picnic. We learned this while having a bbq party when my best friend and her little boys were here visiting. They love macaroni salad and um, chicken. I know it's wrong but they were stealing it off of plates of very small children.  Canibals. I actually felt guilty cooking whole chickens I raised for that purpose on the grill where my little ladies could see them until they ravaged the little people.

But then they did this to my whole entire porch and I don't feel nearly as bad. They now take their afternoon siesta on my porch with the cats. They had a little hawk scare last week when a hawk was on the porch trying to take a bird with her. I scared it away but the chicken gals now love the porch. They also like the dog house in the dog run. My dogs have never used it. They also love the area around the lawnmower in the wood shed. They sleep on the lawnmower, John Deer and chicken poop. Nice combo.

We just unblocked the nest boxes, filled them with straw and fake eggs. Now we wait. I sure hope they start to lay soon. They are almost 17 weeks so they should start soon. I check every day. So far they aren't earning their keep but I am rooting for them.

On a florally note, I still have some things in bloom. My coneflower is still looking pretty good. These were purple magnus but they really aren't that tall. Maybe next year.

And here is the only butterfly bush I did not kill this past winter. It is called a Honeycomb and it is really a pretty bush. I am very happy to have this one make it and hope it will be here next year too!


  1. This post made me smile. In some sick twisted way, I suppose.

  2. Hi Heather~~ They've certainly developed their personalities haven't they? Now if they can just develop a daily egg! I hope you can post a photo of the chicken-cat-porch party. It's got to be quite a sight. And as always, your blossoms are lovely. Hasn't this extended summer been nice?

  3. This is why the chickens in my life are so restricted in their run. Between pooping on the porch, walking into the kitchen, and predating the garden, it's just easier to lock 'em up.

    Nice about the butterfly bush. It's sure pretty.

  4. omg!! I don't even know what to say about this! :) I guess the chickens got you back a little bit though...

    Do you have water? Ducks? My father absolutely loves his ducks and they actually produce lots of eggs for eating as well. Friendly. And the low quack quack quacks - so cute.

  5. I didn't know that chickens would eat chicken--too funny. I bet the salad was yummy and maybe the way you fix it they just couldn't resist. I hope they start laying soon cause I know you're going to write something good about it.

  6. Hi Heather! I know a person who tried to feed sheep in a petting zoo with pieces of dog food. That was lamb type of dog food. Sheep didn't eat it! But your chicken... Have you fed them before that picnic?

  7. Watch those hawks Heather. Your butterfly bush and pink coneflowers look like they are brand new-as in early summer. A nice thing in fall.

  8. What is it about chickens pooping on the porch? My pet rooster use to always get me in trouble for doing that!
    I've never seen a yellow Butterfly Bush - how pretty!

  9. Ha!!! Yes, chickens are omnivores like us. I hate to say it, but we'd probably happily eat succulent barbecued people if we didn't realize what we were eating. I love the image of the hens roosting on the lawn mower! And yes, don't worry, they will start laying, just about the time that next year, older and wiser, they'll stop for the winter to shore up resources. you'll get a steady supply of eggs all winter! Now you just have to keep them from freezing before you can gather them. love the red nestboxes, btw!

  10. Heather,
    I had no idea you had to put a fake egg in there to "inspire" the hens. I hope you get eggs really soon! I miss chickens, I had them when I was growing up and we used to feed them scraps. I guess cannibalism sounds gross, but if you have ever read Fast Food Nation, then you know what they feed to the poultry we eat.

  11. You might want to run out and get a copy of this week's New Yorker; they have a great article on the growing popularity of keeping chickens:

  12. Wow cannibal chicken! Of course when so many things "taste like chicken" who can blame them for being confused?

    If you want some more butterfly bushes try some hardwood cuttings this fall or winter.

  13. Yeah, chickens will eat chickens, but I bet you would eat a hamburger made out of a human if no one told just don't ever tell the chickens.
    Ours are about 13 weeks old. No eggs yet. I love that yours raided your BBQ!
    Ours also have their favorite hide outs.

  14. hi, Just drop by and checked your lovely blog. Good luck on the chickens, Im sure you would love them.

  15. LOL, Heather! Just don't become one of those 'crazy' farmers that let chickens run loose in the house! So are you collecting all the manure for the garden? Cute photo of the 'fake' eggs~exciting waiting for that first one!

  16. Better to have Cannibal Chickens than Zombie Chickens with a craving for brains.

    The coneflowers will gain in stature next year. I always have the same short growth with those I buy.

  17. You really do have some handsome chickens, cannibals or not! Delighted to stop by and say hello :)

  18. Fake egg, thats interesting. We have few egg layer chickens in our country side. Yours are looking lovely. Enjoy!!!

  19. Ahh -- the fake eggs. Sneaky! How funny that the chickens like to rest with the cats. You must get a picture!

  20. we have the same love/irritated relationship with our chickens..hehe comes with the territory i figure! and if your's are 17 weeks, they definitely will start laying soon. mine started at around 20 weeks and i have several different breeds. my easter eggers started early at 16 weeks...;) they will soon be earning their keep! we get so many eggs we have to give them away some weeks..haha! good luck!

  21. Your hens sound like real characters. Gotta love 'em. Hope my echinacea pop back as yours have.

  22. They really are 'pretty' chickens...coming from this 'no-chicken-experience' garden blogger! They just don't seem to have very good manners! I always enjoy reading about your latest happenings on your farm. Also, congrats on your Blotanical nominations:-)

  23. We also have a small farm, but it is mainly a crop farm, and we have only a miniature horse and a pigmy goat. The goat was bought when a baby to keep the horse company, and thinks the horse is his mother! I really miss my chickens ... but my husband (unlike yours) says "NO." Thanks for your message on Blotanical.

  24. I just listened to an NPR interview about the movement back to having chickens in our suburban and urban gardens. It was a fun interview. That's when I realized that hawks and dogs were their worst enemies. Do you have to socialize chickens? gail

  25. I've never seen a yellow butterfly bush, but now I want one!

  26. I enjoyed reading about your chickens. They sound like quite the characters. I like your blooms. I thought the yellow butterfly bush was a lantana at first. It's pretty.


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