Monday, September 21, 2009

Guest Room into Pantry

For years I have been aware of the fact that my house seriously lacks storage space. I also realized I hardly ever have a guest. So sorry guests........ you'll have to sleep in the pantry. (Or in the camper, that's like a private suite in the driveway!)

I found homes for my antique guest bedroom furniture and gutted the room. It really was  a small room, but perfect for this purpose. Floor to ceiling shelving all the way around the room with an island to come for the middle, and I should be set for storage space. No more home canned goods all over my dining room floor.

We are having company for a few days starting today so I was in a serious hurry to get this done. I did not get the room painted first but at some point I have to remember that this is a pantry, not the living room. I can paint it a nice color later. The shelves are only in half of the room, I will have to finish the rest in a few weeks but it should do the trick nicely. The island in the middle will provide nice underneath storage space as well as give me a surface to fold laundry on. I planned this for months and secretly wanted one for years but was afraid my hubby would think it a bad idea. But no one ever wanted to stay with us because the bed being an antique meant it was also highly uncomfortable. Problem solved. No more bed.


  1. I am seething with jealousy. Seriously. That canner tucked under the shelves? Oh my oh my. I'd be happy to stay overnight there in an air mattress, but not here -- earthquake country means we have to have cupboards or at least shock cords across the fronts of storage shelves. Do we? No, but that's a different issue.

    Now all you need is a dedicated gas range, and you're set!

  2. It all looks organized and neat! I can see why you got rid of a guest room in favor of storage. Good work, Heather!
    I kicked my husband out of our walk-in closet and gave him a bit of a storage w/ an armoir, thus I took the whole closet for myself and my scrapbooking, sewing, crafting. I felt bad at first, but not anymore!

  3. Wow, that is a beautiful thing to see!

  4. Nice! And a bonus is that now you get the satisfaction of looking at all those beautiful, sparkling, colorful jars on the shelves... the fruit of your labor.

  5. WOW! Lovely! It's interesting what people do, clever ideas. I heard of a single woman who bought her first house. She knocked out the wall between her bedroom and the tiny, little "extra" bedroom and made that section a large walk-in closet with laundry, sewing, and ironing all in one. Now, how is that for efficiency!

  6. Fabulous! Why are modern homes not planned with this in mind ;-) In the event of a nuclear winter,can I come and live with you,Heather?Im good with goats ;-)

  7. Heather, don't let your guests to spend time in the guest room, they will eat a half of your
    yummy things!

  8. Oh, wonderful! I know you've wanted to do this for a long time. And what you want you somehow DO. How I admire that about you. Just look at all your hard work on display. It's like an art gallery!

  9. Well, it's a good thing you have a to-do list on your blog b/c I'm losing track of the projects! This pantry looks great - the jars of food look soooo appetizing! I canned some bruschetta for the first time a few weeks ago and opened a jar. So far I'm not dead from botulism so all is well.

    Is the pergola done?

  10. That is one serious pantry! It looks great. You must not sit down very often, you always have a great project that you're working on.

  11. Hi Heather~~ But, but... what about the antique bed? Who cares if it's uncomfortable? If it looks nice that's all that matters. LOL The new "pantry" looks fabulous.

  12. This is so great, Heather! My grandma's wonderful pantry was my favorite room in their house. I've always wished we had one! When we bought this house, I converted our guest room into a study with built-in shelves on three of the four walls for books and a desk on the fourth. Now that we're freelancing, it's really come in handy! Our guests have to make do with the sofabed in the living room.

  13. GET OUT of HERE!!!!!
    This is fantastic!!! Good for you! Your house, your life, live it baby!! I'll sleep in your pantry any time!

    Really looks great!!!

  14. Nice, nice, Heather. So nice to see people put their spare "bedrooms" to good use. We use one of ours as our computer room, the other does have a hideabed in it, but also my 75 gal aquarium, and I use that room for reading/napping. It's very nice.

  15. What a wonderful idea!! This looks like a great area that you will enjoy.....functional..I love that!

  16. Amazing, Heather. Do you think my stepson will give up his room for a pantry?

  17. Sweet! Love the storage space and what you did with it. Our home is SERIOUSLY lacking storage space. There's only a small crawl space under the stairs to store things. It's very discouraging. We do utilize under our beds to store cans in storage bins. We try and utilize all the space we can. Our home is only 1,500 SF.

  18. Guest room in pantry lolz great idea. wonderful!!

    congrats on your blog being nominated in 2009 blotanical awards. Best of luck!!!

  19. Awesome idea. Don't have a guest room, but do have a sunroom.

  20. Ha ha!
    I'm laughing because this looks like my house!
    Canned stuff everywhere!
    What a nice room you have!

  21. Okay, that does it. You expect us to still like you after we've seen this envy-inducing room? Not only is it orderly, but the home-canned jars.... I think it's time for the magazine, Heather: Country Living. I'll be a charter subscriber!

  22. i'm jealous too! my pantry is itty bitty! we have an old house without too much extra nooks near the kitchen. and what a lot of canning! impressive!

  23. A whole room for a panty -- oh I'm jealous. I don't even have a pantry -- I have three cabinets that are stacked on top of one another, with the shelves at the wrong height to be truly useful. Looks great!


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