Friday, May 22, 2009

We're Getting There!

We are finally getting there! Whoohoo! Some things on this building project seem to not make much difference, but getting the framework up for the enclosed covered run helped. There will be a door to access the run here too, but I took pictures before we framed it in. On the main roof we were short one 12'6" piece of tin and will need to reorder all the tin for the run. Somehow what we got was only 6'3" and we need 8'3". Not knowing who's mistake it was, we will just order more and have some extra for the next old roof that needs repair. I was already trying to figure out what we could build next. I think Doyle is on builder's vacation after this project is complete. He is not a fan of the construction gambit.
I think this will look remarkably better when it is all trimmed out. Right now the windows look funny and it just looks incomplete. I suppose that makes sense since it is not done. The wiring will be completed this weekend which will include a BBQ to pay the boys for the work. I think I got the better end of the deal on that one. We also only had one roll of 1/2" hardware cloth so we will need more (lots more) to finish enclosing the run.The whole floor of the run will have the wire bottom and we will pile gravel and then dirt on top of that. This way nothing can burrow in from any angle. I hear weasels are heck on chickens. This thing really ought to be Fort Knox as far as critter control goes. So, I just thought I would share our progress to date. The chicks for this house should be here on June 3rd. It would be so nice to have them in the coop instead of the house.


  1. This is an awesome design for the animals. We are adding a rabbit barn to the garden this summer with the same roof slant. LOVE IT!!!!

    Happy Memorial Weekend.... We hope to get lots down in the garden and I hope you do too!

  2. Very nice Heather - tell Doyle he 'done good.' Funny how the side shot looks so small and the next shot looks so huge. Very nice building thought.

  3. that's really coming along. I know you are excited! I think he needs a break after this project.

  4. It's looking great. Enjoy the bbq and have a great weekend.

  5. That's a smart way to do the run floor. I haven't heard of anyone doing it that way, but it's a good idea. Looks great!

  6. What a grand house for your chickens - I'm sure they will be safe and happy there. Heck, it's so pretty I think I could be happy there!

  7. It looks fantastic! Great addition to your yard and homestead!
    After your asparagus post, you've got me wondering about canning rhubarb...?

  8. Isn't progress satisfying?

  9. Looks like it should be done in time. I think it very good you have some shade for the new ones.

  10. Wow! This has come along very nicely!!

  11. It's looking very nice. The luxury of an outside brooding house is not to be sniffed at.

    Worth a barbecue or two, I'd say!

  12. If the chicken thing doesn't work out---you can turn it in to a bed and breakfast;)

  13. This looks so awesome! Doyle is doing a great job!

  14. It really does look great. It sounds like it'll be very safe for your chickens.

  15. Heather, that's a great chicken house - mine is going to be puny in comparison. My big plan is to hatch out some eggs of bantams and maybe other breeds, whatever I can find. By the way, your cardboard mulching technique will work, I've done it. Just don't accidently dig up the cardboard, or grass (or worse!) will come up through it, and that's nasty!

  16. Heather, that is some project..and all for a bunch of! Really looks great and I know your new tenants will be happy!


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