Sunday, May 24, 2009

Progress In The New Garden

So far so good in the new garden. The wide rows have been shaped and the hills for cucumbers have been mounded. Corn rows are planted and everything is going well. We added 3 inches of wood shavings to the permanent walkways and will add more to finish is the next few days. Already that has made a tremendous difference in how muddy my feet get when I am out there. The corn, tomatoes, peppers, onions and cucumbers have all been planted and I will finish planting squash, zuccini, beans and melons tomorrow. This garden is primarily for the warm weather plantings and the raised bed garden has been fully planted with all the cool season crops this year.

These are the planting areas to the east of the main north/south walkway. The picture above this is to the west of that same path. I still need to add wood shavings to my paths on this side, but you get the general idea. I can already tell this garden is going to be labor intensive as it has been constructed in our north field. I am just worried about grass growing off of bits of root still in the dirt. But the highlight is that the soil seems happy and healthy. The worms are amazing in this ground and I hope they continue to be happy here. I need their help.


  1. Hi Heather~~ I've been away from your blog for too long! It's good to see that finally our weather is compatible to warm-season crops. Your soil is beautiful and I'm sure your plants will thrive. Love the blue sky and green fields. I've said it before--you must have the cleanest lungs. :)

  2. Everything is looking good. The scenery all around you is just beautiful. Enjoy your day.

  3. I love seeing what you do out there with all that land...I just love it. You are amazing Heather!

  4. your garden looks great, it's huge! Envious...:)

  5. Beautiful soil, land, gardens everything. What more can I say?

  6. Your dirt looks amazing! Fantastic looking garden and your view!!! How lucky you are to have such a fantastic homestead!!

  7. Heather, you relaly have a garden to be proud of! I lined my pathways with grass clippings (free and always plentiful) and it is working out great, like a soft outdoor carpet under my feet and Im sure it will add nutrients when tilled in next spring! Idaho is beautiful, when I win the lotto, Ill keep it at the top of the list before I buy a my few hundred acre farm! A girl can dream anyway! beautiful place!

  8. It looks really nice and organized. It must feel good to look at far you've come on this project!

  9. It looks like a lot of fun, and a lot of work!

    Enjoy -- and remember the cool days of planting when you're hauling in buckets of tomatoes, beans and zucchini in the hot sun.

  10. Very nice work, Heather! You'll have a very great vegetable garden!

  11. I went back to read about the plans for this garden and am very impressed. I like your idea of raised beds with walkways. I would be a bit concerned about the grass too. I was just commenting to MrD today--how do people who plant their gardens in a big open field...keep the weeds out.

  12. WOW! I'm coming to visit and staying for dinner!!! I can't believe you have time to do this and have a normal job.

  13. I was chuckling reading about your concerns about the grass coming back....I suspect this is my fate as well in the veggie garden this year.
    You have indeed made a lot of progress with your new garden!
    Plant Lady

  14. Hey Heather -

    Your new beds look great! I am jealous of all of the room that you have! How did the sewer problem turn out? Hope that you had great weather like we did over the holiday weekend. Pictures of the chickens and the almost finished coop are up on the site!

  15. It's looking great out there! And you have no weeds...I'm so jealous! :) Not to mention one amazing view to enjoy while you're out there.

    Hope the pests stay far away from your plants so they grow HUGE and produce lots of yummy food for you guys!

  16. Hi Heather, is this that HUGE bed Doyle tilled a few months back?? I knew you would have no problem filling it with Is that the soil of the land or brought in by trucks..I've never seen such dark,rich soil! Happy planting :)

  17. Your garden looks huge and so rich!!

  18. I envy your diligence! I know you have mentioned that you work outside of the home - so do you ever sit and read a book ;-) Makes me think I need to re-evaluate my time management! hehe.

  19. I don't know how you have time for any of this blogging stuff. You are one heck of a gal. Great stuff.

  20. OK wow, wow, wow how do you do it all !!!

    Everything is looking wonderful..
    just looked up Bull snakes and they look scary.
    You can keep them up there with you

    Have a wonderful day ..
    hugs, Cherry

  21. Hi Heather, you seem very organised! Admiring all your work!

  22. Just stopping by to see what you're up to. And of course I ain't disappointed. The garden is looking good. Great views. Maybe you'll get a tractor and plow some more garden. I'm always joking about getting a tractor here for our little tiny garden. But you could justify it there with all that space. Plant some carrots for us.


Thank you for your ideas, suggestions or greetings. I love to hear from you and read them all.