Sunday, May 3, 2009

Island Bed- Year Two

Last year I decided that the south side of my yard around the house was a problem area. No matter how much water I poured on this spot, it never looked as good as the grass around it. So I thought I would add a small island bed to this part of my yard. See THIS post. I used hose to outline it and after a week of playing with the shape I outlined it with marking paint an begged my husband to till it up for me. I removed all the sod pieces and started adding compost. Lots of compost. I then added rocks to the border, weed cloth and bark mulch.

Then, because I can never wait to do things at the appropriate time, I started planting it. I found that a lot of mail order catalog companies also sell on Ebay under a different name for a lot less. A lot less. I also found that lots of people with big gardens also will sell their divisions on Ebay for pennies on the dollar. I started ordering and planting in the heat of the summer. I figured that if I could get 75% of it to come back this year I was golden. 

I would say 'Mission Accomplished'. I think I lost a few things. A Honeycomb Butterfly Bush, which blooms yellow and I am sorry about that. A rose bush and a few others. I planted so many things I will have to consult my planting map to be sure of what did not make it. I had put all the hoses away in the fall and then it dried out long before it ever got wet again, I am pretty sure most of the casualties were my fault. I just know I have some holes where there is nothing and I will plant these from seed.  I planted more shrubby type things in the middle of the bed and tried to graduate the sizes to the edges all the way around. As soon as the rain lets up for a minute I will head out and edge this bed with the technique you all suggested. I have already done this to several other beds and it looks very nice. Wish I had known this sooner. Live and learn!


  1. I'm sure you've seen me mention it before, but wintersowing is a great way to get lots of plants for next to nothing. You can "wintersow" all the way through the summer for perennials and annuals that don't need cold periods to germinate. Things like Rudbeckia, Shastas, and coreopsis would do fine right now. I doubt they'll bloom this year for you, but you could easily have that bed filled in under a year.

    Glad to see I'm not the only one who up and decides that grass isn't necessary in some places. Love the stone edging too. Could you elaborate on the method people have suggested? I missed that. Thanks!

  2. Good for you, Heather! (I'm glad the cat's enjoying it as well.) Buying plants on eBay! It would never have occurred to me, despite buying plenty of other things there. Now I'm going to have to check that out!

  3. This is a wonderful layout. Can't wait to stop by and see what you get growing in this bed. Do you get alot of weeds in from the fields in the back. I am in Ohio and my beds close to the horse pasture gets some crazy weeds each year!
    Happy May!

  4. It is looking great Heather. The cat is cute too! Thanks for the tips on getting plants cheaper. We're having a lot of rain also.

  5. Hi Heather~~ You've got so much space! Lucky you! Your resident feline must be nuzzling a patch of catmint?

    Interesting about ebay. Don't you have to bid and wait and all of that? I've never done ebay so I'm ebay-illiterate. However, you know I love a bargain. Any more light you can shed on this ebay process would be greatly appreciated. When you have time. Hopefully the rain has let up and you can get out there and have some fun.

  6. What a wonderful large palette to create color on! I agree with Tom about has been a very successful way for me to start both annuals and perennials. I usually end up with enough to share with friends.
    I have bought both plants and seeds on Ebay... a great source for garden stuff.

  7. Girl, you have more projects going than anyone I know -- I feel like a slug next to you! LOL! Great tip about e-bay, will have to check it out!

  8. Boy I can just see this bed filled in with tons of perennials. Wish you lived close by, I am in the enviable position (after 8 years) of having too much. Sure like to get rid of some of the stuff.

  9. Beautiful garden Heather, can't wait to see it all planted up and what you choose to put in it. I sold on ebay for close to 8 years and knew they had lots of plants and private parties selling theirs (thought about selling some of mine but just ended up swapping with a friend in Missouri instead). But I didn't know that the plant companies sold under different names. How did you find this out and how do we find out what they are? Great post - do you EVER slow down?????

  10. Heather, It's going to be fantastic...half the fun is planting anyway! But, I am sorry you lost that yellow butterfly bush...I've been admiring them and wanting one for months! Thanks for the ebay info...I have gotten seeds but not plants! I can't wait to see what comes up and what you add! gail

  11. Your island bed is just wonderful. I love the shape and it will be easy to see from all angles. I see kitty likes it also. The stray cats around here love my mulch.

  12. I saw your comment over at wild acre garden and that you where from Idaho. So am I but in Northern panhandle.

    Look like you been busy in garden I like the new lay out.
    Lot of work.

    Well I always have coffee on.

  13. That's a nice sized bed, Heather. I really like the shape. I'll have to check out ebay, thanks for the tip.

  14. I've said it before, but you are SO ambitious! It's awesome. That bed looks great- I love the rocks!! Didn't know you had a kitty!

  15. tom asked what the edging technique was, and i'm also curious. i couldn't find it in the previous post's comments.

    you really are having lots of fun! beautiful work!

  16. It's really pretty and you did a great job on the shape and edging. I also am never patient enough to wait for the right planting time. It's just too exciting to have all that empty space. Hope most of it came back bigger and better!

  17. After seeing picture number 1, I was so surprised to see picture 2. What a cool transformation. I didn't know about the ebay deals.

    Your home seems out in the middle of nowhere. A very pretty nowhere but it must take you awhile to get to work. I use to live in Colorado and remember those wide open spaces and beautiful sunsets.

  18. Very nice shape and I love the rock edge. Just keep plugging away and soon you will get that bed full and beautiful. What fun!

  19. I know that bed is going to look fantabulous in just a few weeks! Keep packing it with colour! :D

  20. It's shaping up great! I love the rock border. I never would have thought of eBay to buy plants. I'll have to check it out. --Jackie

  21. Don't give up on the butterfly bush too soon, they are late starters. My Honeycomb buddleia is just starting to sprout. If you were closer I'd give it to you as I don't care for it in the spot I designated for it!
    Ali in Maine


Thank you for your ideas, suggestions or greetings. I love to hear from you and read them all.