Thursday, April 30, 2009

No Turning Back Now

I have been wanting to do something with this boring and barren area right in front of my house for quite some time now. I guess there is no time like the present. Especially when you are right in the middle of building a Big Intimidating Row Garden and a Chicken House mixed with a garden gate for the lawn mower to pass through and moving an aging and disabled father and all his crap. This week. I always do this to myself. It must be genetic. Anyhow, I have been playing with a drawing and design plan for this space on earlier posts and decided to just start. Then I couldn't talk myself out of it and put it off until next year.

Do you like the camper in the front drive? We also had plumbing issues last week had to use the camper for our bathroom. At least we had the camper and didn't have to rent a porta-potty. That would have seriously freaked me out. One power auger rental later and some very unsavory moments of cutting roots from the sewer line, we once again had plumbing. I love old houses. I really love old plumbing. Good times.

I suppose you are now wondering what the trench is. Well, I will tell you. I don't know, it just seemed like the first logical step. I was planning to define the new planting bed with an edge then cover it all with cardboard and start layering dirt and compost on top of that. I figured the cardboard would turn the underlying turf into compost and it would allow me to not dig all that lawn out. I like to edge all my planting beds with river rock and thought I would raise this planting bed to kind of give it that garden room feel. Then after a rain, it dug up pretty easily and I decided..... well, I am not sure what I decided. I just thought I would start. I think I already have enough rock to edge it and will have to get dirt and utilize our huge compost pile in the back field. This area is always wet and I would like to get plant feet out of the soggy parts. It is a low spot in my yard.

As you can see, the outline of the planting bed only loosely follows the plan. Flat rocks are hard to find around here so I will make a paver walkway instead. The flat rocks I already found  will become bench landings or a nice spot for a little table and chairs. I suppose I will decide that one on the fly too. Funny how I plan to plan and make a master list to add to the things to do list. But my plan always changes at the last minute. Maybe that isn't so funny and I should seek help for this problem. But it works for me and Doyle has learned to roll with the punches.


  1. It's going to look awesome! I can't wait to get home and do some new beds! I always love cutting into the grass with my edger and seeing the new beds curves take shape.

  2. Changing plans at the last minute is normal. At least for me. A plan is just a guideline to go by in most cases. Trenching out the border then using cardboard is a great idea. It will save you from having to move all that sod.

  3. Goodness Heather, I am worn out just reading about all you are doing at one time. *laughing*
    Your yard is going to look wonderful when it is completed.

  4. It's going to be beautiful and will give you so much joy.

  5. Good for Doyle. You sure have a lot going on. That is a big bed you are taking on. It will look beautiful when you fill it in with plants and one you'll be proud of. Too bad about moving your dad. As adults we have to take care of our parents when they get older. Hope you have nice day and slow down just a little. Becca

  6. Go Heather go! As for plumbing, shudder. If we just had a basement, we'd put in a composting toilet in a second.

  7. Changing plans as you go. Sounds oh so normal to me!

  8. Hi Heather~~ Not being a psychologist but a stumbling wannabe, I think you're planning this new area to give your mind something new, refreshing and pleasant to do to offset the not so fun projects in your life. It's like a self preservation thing. I do this too. Designing a new area or refurbishing an older one really gets my blood pumping and obsessing on the process is part of the deal. Good luck and if you wouldn't mind, when you've got a moment, I'd like to know how you made the print design. Software? Thanks!

  9. Well I am glad I am not the only one that does this. I have more master plans than I do small plans. I think big and go big....then I usually end up wondering if I am sane at the end of the day for trying to tackle such things!

  10. I have a plan. I don't know what it is just yet, but there is a plan.

  11. Heather,

    You think a lot like I do and you take on all you can to make the world around you suit you more. I like that Doyle can roll with the punches so easily, can you have him call Meg and tell her how he does it? We just had a plumbing project too I pulled out the well pump and replaced it, then dropped it back into the ground 150 or so foot.

  12. OMG!! I do the same thing! I have big plans, start LOTS of projects and then wonder how I'm going to handle it all. Only problem is that Andy is the same way so our house is always topsy-turvey! LOL I laughed about your plumbing story... It's a good thing you had the camper!

  13. You are officially an out of your mind gardener. It's going to be fun watching it come together. It's a good thing you have sleeping arrangements other than the house. Projects like that tend to get the husband and wife in deep water.

  14. Heather, you crack me up. Just paged back a bit and read about your garden shed and finger -- OUCH! I am AMAZED you drilled a hole in your nail. You have some serious guts, girl!

    Anyway, love the garden shed and bench. What a great idea for the grow shelf under the counter! And this new garden will be gorgeous, too, I'm sure. Especially once you have some hen dressing for it :-)
    Ali in Maine

  15. Oh, I meant to add that old hard rake heads make great garden tool hangers. I'll try and post a photo soon to show you what I mean. Love the pegboard....

  16. Go with the flow. A plan is a good starting off point but as possibilities present themselves it's best to change.

    I always tell my 'clients' that I won't know what I'm doing until I finish. Nothing ever goes on paper (I can't - not that I won't) and just wave my arms around and tell them my general impression and ideas. They have to have faith or I don't work.

  17. I am drooling at all the space you will have to put some great plants out there. And of course, the soil I love! Can't wait to see what you come up with. Good thing you are not under snow to have to use the camper-that would be an issue!:)

  18. You seem to have good concept going... A trench to demarcate sections is going to be clear and focussed... Good Luck!! ~ Bangchik

  19. Thursday? It's Friday - guess I'm late! Most people just flop a garden hose to make an outline of their swervy curvy bed. Looks like you take the easy route and use a rototiller. What was I thinking using a hose? hehehe How many projects do you have going on now - I'm exhausted watching! Doyle, like Bob, sounds like a very smart man!!! Bob doesn't even like to take me out in public for fear I'll see something he will have to build when we get home!!!
    Heather I loved your comments - block you? You've gotta be crazy - with all of your energy you'd fly over here and strangle me!!!
    Thanks so much for your support and words of wisdom!!!

  20. Um, Heather,
    Could you slow down a bit? You are really starting to make the rest of us look bad! You have a great space there. I can't wait to see how it evolves.

  21. Hi Heather -- Hey, we HAVE a Porta-Potty in our backyard! LOL. I could have died when I came home and saw that in the corner of the yard. Thankfully it's short term for the construction guys! Your plans look great - at least you have a plan - I'm going "seat of my pants" for my new front yard garden.

  22. I like this idea. The river rocks will be nice, I think. We had a low area of our yard that kept making puddles and sinking, so I edged it with rocks and am trying to make a rain garden there. We'll see...

    Good luck with the plumbing!

  23. you have so much going on! cant wait to see what it looks like. i am still in awe of your planning.

  24. You guys are so energetic and motivated. Can you bottle some of that up and ship it over here? Puleease.. :) Nice work.

  25. Hello from a fellow gardener! Fabulous header for your blog, btw. The Lily's are beautiful!


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