OK, so I am sure that most people have a solid planting plan for peas. I on the other hand do not and I have actually lost sleep (not much) over how to get the best bang for my buck, so to speak. I have mentioned before that I have some issues with tidiness. Maybe that is obvious to anyone following this blog for any length of time, but I am no longer ashamed of it and use it to my advantage. My rows are usually strait, I like the beds to look organized.... that kind of thing. But I really wanted to maximize the planting of the peas because I plan to harvest and preserve as many as possible. So.... while sitting in a beginners gardening class on Tuesday night, this was brought up and it was an Aha Moment for sure. What about planting in a zigzag pattern lengthwise down the bed. This way all sides are accessible from the outside of the bed. Maybe most everyone knows this one and I am way behind but I thought it was good enough info to share. I cannot believe I have never thought of this before but you know how that goes? Sometimes it takes a lightning bolt. You would set up your stakes and string or whatever pea trellises you use, as the above diagram shows. Then you would plant along both sides of the zigzag as shown by the green lines. Viola', maximized growing space in a 4 x 10 bed. OK, so I have the 4 x 10 bed, but you get the idea. 10 years of gardening and this little tidbit never occurred to me.
Beautiful idea, and a full bed of peas that size is a LOT of peas. Enjoy your planing and planting! Rachel
ReplyDeletegood idea!
ReplyDeleteNeat idea. I put mine in a diagonal down the bed. Of course only a couple came up so you really can't tell! The zigzag should work pretty good.
ReplyDeletegreat idea and I hope you have lots of luck!
ReplyDeleteA beginner's gardening class? Sign me up! How'd you find that. OK, onto peas. That's a great layout. and you could maybe plant other edibles or flowers around them.
ReplyDeleteWell duh, why didn't we all think about this one. :) Great idea and you can plant other things in the spaces between on the sides. I learn so much on Blotanical from your gardeners.
ReplyDeleteWonderful! Thank you for sharing, and "no" I hadn't thought of it, either. Mine was a: duh! moment. I have trouble thinking outside the box.
ReplyDeleteI always look at different ways to configure plants in my beds, and have even tried some, but usually end up going back to straight rows because I use drip hose and it is is easiest to use that way. It would be interesting to compare how much space 2 or 3 straight rows, 6 inches apart(which is how I plant mine) would take as compared to the zig zag pattern. The row pattern also leaves me with space on the half side of the bed to plant lettuce or another crop. Maybe you could plant lettuce or something between the "zags". :-)
ReplyDeleteGreat idea. It's always nice to share the "basics" because some of us are clueless. ;-)
ReplyDeleteThe zigzag idea itself is to keep from having to pick peas from the inside of the rows in this raised bed. I wanted to maximize space without walking in the bed itself. It tends to compact it too much. I am so glad I am not the only one to have never thought of this pattern. I hope it doesn't hurt my need for strait and orderly.
Excellent idea!!
Great idea. I wish I had more space to try it. I'll be interested to see how much more you can grow.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to pics of your success!
ReplyDeleteLooks like it should be a great way to grow peas. Don't fret over so much neatness in the garden.