Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mother Nature, Why Do You Hate Me?

I was not very excited to see this scene this morning.  Mother Nature has a cruel sense of humor or maybe none at all. I thought I had been good this year. I tried not to be mean to people, not even my family. I opened doors for people, I even donated my time on a few projects in my community. Why then, am I being punished? I had plans this weekend. I want to plant my cool weather crops. I intended to put the pea zig-zag in use. I even planned out how to build a nice little compost sifter. And now this. On a brighter note, it did melt over the next few hours and warmed up without blowing wind. These are all good things around here. You know what they say........ If you don't like the weather in Idaho, just wait a minute. Actually, my sister said they say this in Texas but according to the weather channel, they are probably saying it all over the nation. Hope your day was filled with sunshine and good dirt!


  1. The weather has been crazy, mostly miserable. Glad to hear it mostly melted. Rained all day today. I managed to get out and snap some photos during the lightest of drizzle. Sunshine is promised for tomorrow. Oh I hope so.

  2. Heather,

    Meg said that's what happens when you live in Idaho. Seriously though the weather will be awesome just around the corner I'm sure.

    We had more rain today. Having our house appraised tomorrow to get a better loan and see what the addition did to our value.

  3. I love snow...but not in April! Boy, I wish I had your property. Wishing you a sunny weekend and happy spring!

  4. Hi Heather... it is in our forecast for Early next week, chance of snow 3 days in a row! I am with ya girl! ~Brooke

  5. What a bummer! Definitely good dirt in VA, but the weather was overcast. Got some seedlings and seeds planted. Hate when Mother Nature throws the unexpected curve, though!

  6. We've been getting a lot of rain. Snow this time of year would just crush my spirit completely. I'm almost ready to jump thinking about a possible frost next week. Hope it starts to warm up for you soon. I'll try to send some of our air back your way.

  7. Hello Heather, Sorry to hear about this change of weather.Take a rest instead!... so that later you will have all the energy to complete what you have planned to do :)

  8. The post title caught my attention and I know how you feel. Even though we only had mixed rain and snow yesterday, today rained all day. I think Mother Nature must be on a break or something. I sure hope it warms up so you can get going on your plans. By the way they say the same thing about the weather in Seattle.

  9. I woke up to about 5 inches of heavy wet snow blanketing Moscow. It's good to know we weren't the only ones. I share in your spring fever!

  10. Heather~~ When will it end? This winter/spring (whatever you want to call it) is a tenacious beast. Mother nature has NO sense of humor whatsoever.

  11. I woke up to a light covering of snow this morning and then the rain melted it away and later the sun came out for a few minutes and then it hailed 2 or 3 times. Yep, it must be spring. Sunshine is in the forecast for next week....Oh, I hope so!

  12. Our days are always filled with sunshine.... cheers! ~ bangchik

  13. Oooh, Heather...BRrrr..we have had cold temps and rain here for a few days in NJ so I can commiserate...I guess this the spring coming in "like a lion" part. Hey, you got a pretty photo out of it.

  14. She hates me too. It has rained off and on for the past week, and it is too cold (well too cold for these old bones) to spend more than a few minutes at a time out doors. Sighhhh!

  15. Sorry Heather. Didn't we just discuss this and 'crap' was the word of the day? LOL You're right a stronger word is in order. I feel so bad for you. After freezing all day long on the first yesterday I was able to go outside with only a light jacket on. Hopefully this will all get better soon!!!

  16. what a beautiful site!
    thank you for all of this!
    lovely photographs!


  17. Ha ha. At least we didn't have snow sticking on the ground, so we're ahead of you, right?

  18. Aw, geeze I know!! I was going to plant my asparagus today, that's not going to happen now is it?! We've got the same snow here in Boise (it's snowing right now) and an advisory for 45 mph wind gusts. Yuck.


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