Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Donkey Boys

 The darling little Donkey Boys are now 11 months old and full of vim and vigor. They hit the 10 month mark and decided they hated to be next to each other, and really hated to be apart. Very sad to hear donkeys cry.

The testosterone everyone told me would flow heavily in the spring finally kicked in a while back and I had to make the decision to make them less manly with the help of the Vet, Bruce. I love Bruce. Thank Goodness for Bruce. Of course, Doyle was gone to Alaska by this point. So it was all me (and my awesome In-Laws who knew that I would have a hard time seeing them hurting even if they were out cold).

Poncho still remains the most photogenic miniature donkey ever created. He likes the camera and stands still for me to take his picture. Paco, not so much! Word to the wise if you ever have the vet come out to geld your donkeys....... don't let the chickens out that day, just sayin'. With the first toss of no longer useful boy parts, the chicks came running. All twenty four of them. They vet was spooked. Guess he's never been around such friendly chickens who always think you have a treat for them.

It seems funny now but it really wasn't so funny then. I am sure Dr. Gardener was feeling a little bit like Dr. Doolittle. Poor man.

The testosterone took fourteen days to clear their system and now they love each other again. I think watching mini-donks fight was like watching kindergartners duke it out in the school yard.  Not a pleasant sight. All is well again on my little farm. I am hoping to till a few things and start planting the garden this weekend. Progress reports to come..... stay tuned.


  1. You're back! We missed ya!!! Love seeing pictures and hearing about the critters!

  2. Hi Heather. They are the cutest little things. It would be hard to watch them fight. Would make me nervous. LOL! I am glad they are buddies once more.

  3. I loved reading this update on Paco and Poncho. They're adorable!

  4. You've gotta do what you've gotta do to keep peace in the barnyard. Adorable Donkeys..

  5. Aw, so sweet. I need to get my new dog fixed too soon.

  6. Never dull. Just keep saying, Never Dull. . .

  7. I'm glad not to hear them cry--but maybe you can do a video sometime so we can hear them bray? Miss that sound. Darling boys and you take such good care of them.

  8. I'm sorry your boys lost their balls... at least they have each other :)

  9. They are so cute! I'm sure in the long run they'll be much happier now. I can just picture the whole scene with the vets and the chickens, funny :)

  10. Does it hurt? [City Girl, here wants to know.] Does the vet give them pain meds? Okay, maybe I DON'T want to know...

  11. Our chickens would have come running and flapping too. Must have been a funny sight. Glad the boys are friends again. Have a good weekend.

  12. They are beautiful creatures. Even when they fight, it is all about fun and getting used to the real thing. ~bangchik

  13. They are too cute Heather~I mean too, too cute! gail

  14. They are so cute! We've been thinking about them here. Still in "research" mode. Thanks for sharing their antics!

  15. Hi- I am your newest follower. We had "the surgery" done on our Murphy this summer. We don't have mini's but we do have 3 Cross donkeys, one that is 5 wks old. Please come and take a look at my blog....and follow

  16. hi heather! wandered through the internet found your blog on Shawna Coronado's blog some how when i was on facebook..dont ask i'm still trying to figure that out lol. i saw your in central idaho, i'm just an hour up river from Lewiston- in Orofino. nice to meet you and loving the blog so far. the chickens and donkey's are a hoot ... i'm still getting the hang of blogs sorry lol. i feel so sheltered.

  17. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You :-)


  18. Love, love, Love your blog! Glad I found it. It's so inspirational. I especially love chicken photos.

  19. Heather, I have been gone from blogging for nearly a year while my husband was going through cancer treatments, and when I began blogging again, I found that many of the people I "followed" have quite writing for quite some time as well. I guess I was not alone. I hope all is well with you, your family, your animals, your garden, and that all of you enjoyed the holidays. I am no longer at my old website because when I returned to blogging, someone had stolen my URL, so I started up a whole new site. Take care and enjoy your winter break! - Miss Daisy

  20. Wow this is so fun! Thanks for the share! I really wish i could keep more animals then just our hens : / well thats what you get for living in the city lol : )

    ~Organic Momma

  21. Love your blog. Just read the whole thing!!

  22. The donkeys really are the cutest and they look so happy together now that they love each other again. I can really visualize the chickens running for the boy treats... my hens gang up on me when they think I have something for them.

  23. Amazing blog and very interesting stuff you got here! I definitely learned a lot from reading through some of your earlier posts as well and decided to drop a comment on this one!


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