Sunday, January 3, 2010

Donkey Boys

It is harder than one might think to get a picture of a baby mini donkey with goofy Christmas antlers on his head. It is next to impossible to get a picture of two of them together.

So we bribed them. The boys love carrots. This one is the shyer of the two and he seems to know that manners will get him further than pushy behavior. His brother is still learning this lesson.

He is also more photogenic. He will actually stand there and let you take his picture even if he hates dumb antlers that make him look silly.

Poncho has to be snuck up on to get a picture. He comes running to see if you have treats in your pocket so getting a decent photo of him becomes more challenging. Most of my pictures of him are from 1 foot above his sweet little face while he begs for carrots.

Now that the ground is covered in snow the boys stay a little closer to the barn. Doyle plows them areas to hang out in but all that sticks through the snow to graze on is chicory. Too bad them chewing on the tops wouldn't kill the stuff like it did all my cherry trees. These guys can prune very fast when you aren't looking.


  1. "Pushy behavior" is part of donkey DNA (in my experience). You're lucky you have one compliant fellow! They are as cute as can be, which I hope makes up for the cherry trees.... Thanks for the donkey tales!

  2. Hi Heather~~ With goofy Christmas antlers or not, these boys are handsome creatures! I hope you all are staying warm.

  3. I had to look twice. They look like big stuffed toys - adorable Gloria

  4. nice and very adorable.... huh.., bribing is fairly universal and cut across all species!!! haha... ~bangchik

  5. adorable little guys. You did good with the photos despite their unwillingess!

  6. They are so cute! Trying to get an animal to wear anything is a trick, seems like the carrot bribe helped :)

  7. I am so.o.o glad you were successful with your donkey/antler photos. I had no luck trying this with my mini horse and goat. I think the antlers my husband bought were too small. You now have suitable pics for next year's Christmas cards. Funny, but oh, so cute!

  8. Very cute, Heather! I'm surprised you could get those cute antlers on them. Treats usually do the trick, huh?

    How are your hens doing? We suspect just one of ours is laying so far.

  9. worse than trying to get two children together for a shot, huh? These little babes are so cute! Looks like they've settled in nicely!

  10. Heather, what sweet faces on these boys! LOL with the antlers. Are they growing fast? You're still living me your farm animals! ;)

  11. They are so cute.... I think it would fun to have a donkey!

  12. Adorable! I will have a smile on my face all day from seeing that!

  13. Oh my goodness! Does that scream cute? Yes, it does! Love it.

  14. regarding donkey behavior, when we were in st. john over the holidays, where donkeys are everywhere, my dau said "donkeys are going to do what donkeys want to do." she was so right! great post!

  15. Very cute, Heather! I'm surprised you could get those cute antlers on them. small garden design

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