Monday, December 7, 2009

Almost Full.... Boy that happened fast!

It sure didn't take me long to fill up my new pantry. We finished the floor to ceiling shelves over a two weekend stretch and I started moving from the old (small) pantry into the newly converted guest room pantry about six weeks ago. I needed a place to store the fruits of my labor and the only place I had to expand into was the hardly used guest bedroom.

At first I suffered guilt and anxiety over my decision. Then I got over it.

As I started to move into my new space I realized I had hit the storage bonanza. Not only could I store all the food I had canned and preserved but I could feed my need to collect large quantities of store bought as well.

Now all my oversized appliances had a home, my canning jars had a home and my large party serving junk had a house too. Yeah me!

But now that you have seen all three functional corners (the door is housed in the fourth), you can see that I am completely out of room. How the heck did that happen you ask? Well I might have mentioned higher up on this post that I like to collect food. Where I once was hampered my lack of space now I have lots of places to stash things. Seriously, who needs 20 boxes of rice at a time? Apparently I do. I also have a weakness for Costco and all things large sized. It's an illness which means I am off the hook because I really can't control it. Really.

PS~ I took these pictures before I finished the 98 jars of applesauce, those apples are no longer on the floor, thank goodness.


  1. I wouldn't mind staying in that guest room :)

  2. You've got enough to open your own corner store. I wish I had been more successful at growing veggies this year. Everything I grew got eaten as it ripened. Odd year this year, and the injury threw things for a loop. There's always next year. I'm hoping to fill my behemoth cabinet with jars of summer sunshine next July. I hate store bought tomatoes.

  3. Heather all that rice! i just tossed a huge plastic bottle of rice that got moths in it.
    Doyle sure keeps busy making stuff for you!

  4. Love your new pantry! I learned to can from my cousin last month. We made 35 pints of applesauce. I thought that would last through the winter, I was wrong. I need to go up to the orchard where I got my apples and see if they have any left. Red Fuji's boy were they sweet. I didn't have to use any sugar to sweetened the sauce.

  5. Very nice looking pantry-you can never have too much space to put food!

  6. Who needs a guest room! That looks great. I am now suffering from panrty envy.

  7. wonderful pantry. This shows how to utilize small space to maximum.

  8. Very, very cool! Makes me hungry just looking at it.

  9. Heather, congratulations.... job well done! We are fortunate to have a pantry (was here when we bought our house) and do love it! I just wish ours was as organized as yours. ;)

  10. Wow, I am really envious! Our house was built in 1876! That translates to "NO STORAGE." We get really creative. Our foundation is stone and our cellar really is like an old root cellar - I would love to work at it and use it for more food storage - vegetables and canned/jarred goods only - very damp. Your guest room pantry is inspiring! Buy big! Ha.

  11. You are not alone. I share your addiction to storing food. Not so much boxes of store food but 25 pound bags of oatmeal and rice etc.
    And I grow more vegetables than we can eat in a year. My ample sized room is overflowing but I'm still searching the store adds for a good food deal. Maybe, we need to start a self help group -the FSA or Food Storage Anonymous. Only I think we'd just end up sharing store adds and tips on where to find the best deals instead of learning to control our squirrel like urges.

  12. I think I have my bulk food addiction tamed, and I've set my lust for kitchenware aside for a few years. But boy, do I love your pantry. Lovely, lovely.

  13. Great job on all canning Heather! Love your pantry. I have a couple good sized shelves Bob built me - not big and fancy like yours but enough to really help with the extras from the kitchen.
    You've been a very busy girl!!!

  14. Yes, yes, yes, yes!!! Fantastic job, Heather! And of course we food hoarders can never get enough. I've only been to a Costco once, when I was visiting family in Nashville, but boy, was I impressed. I came home with a huge bag of gorgeous basmati rice and cases of other staples. Maybe it's just as well we don't have one up here!---Silence

  15. Heather how fantastic your new storage room looks. Stocking up room too. Great use of your spare room.

  16. Tidy and efficient! It never hurts to have extra, especially in these uncertain times.

  17. If I had the space I'd do the same thing. Our small pantry is always overflowing. I think it would be fun to have it all organized like that. It would feel like you were going grocery shopping without leaving your house!

  18. Oh Heather, I finally saw Food Inc. It is devastating!!! Thank you again for featuring it on your blog.

  19. Very, very nice - I just racked a couple of gallons of wine from my grapes and have about 15 cups of juice in the freezer to make jam and pancake syrup - love eating from the garden - Gloria

  20. Hi Heather, You motivate me to do more canning ... I tend to give away most of my surplus produce from the garden. But it must take you hours and hours! You are amazing! Pamela

  21. Your storage room is fantastic....yer a woman after my own heart! ;-)

    As the jars of produce are eaten, storing those jars can be a bit much. Looks like you have GOBS of room for those. (Make sure and share some pics around April when you've gobbled your way through your canned goods and have a ceiling-high stack of empty jars waiting for the 2010 canning marathon! lol )


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