Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Boys are Here!

Well, the newest additions to our little farm are here! The boys came yesterday and are all installed in their new (temporary) corral. They had an hour and a half trek from their old home to ours and they seem to have made the trip very well. Here they are still in the horse trailer, unsure of how happy they are to get out into the unknown.

We let them stay out in the yard for a while to acclimate to their new surroundings. It's probably colder here than where they were born so we have them in a temporary area until we can get them into the barn. The meat chickens are still in that area of the barn so the boys had to wait another week to get into their new digs. We are also going to change up the barnyard a bit to accommodate both donkeys and pygmy goats. They can't live together as the donkeys play rougher than goats do.

So far my nieces and our granddaughter have come to see them and seem to be pretty excited. We did not let them in with the donkeys yet but as time goes on we will introduce them and all should be great. No need to traumatize the poor boys anymore than they have already suffered. When they are comfortable with the new digs, we will let the kids touch them.  Until then, the boys get a reprieve!


  1. They are certainly cute little guys. Welcome home boys!!!

  2. Ahhhh, They are so cute. You are getting quite a variety of critters on your farm.

  3. Wish I could reach out and rub their fuzzy heads.

  4. Adorable!!! I want them! Have fun.

  5. Hi Heather,

    They are gorgeous! I can just picture an adventurous goat on the back of one of the boys! lol!


  6. Heather, They are adorable! What are their names? Pamela

  7. Heather,'

    I can see how you could get very attached to these donkeys they are adorable..

  8. They are so cute! I'm sure the little ones in your family must love them.

  9. Heather - how adorable! Keep us posted on them! I would love to have some mini donks but my old horse Rocky (21 yrs) has been petrified of them for his entire life and I don't want him to drop dead of a heart attack :-)

  10. I seriously just cooed at their cuteness. And I am in love with these guys! Enjoy!

  11. They are sooooo adorable! How old are they? They have the cutest faces. We love animals. My daughter's dream is to have her own farm and animals when she grows up. What a fun addition to your family. I have finally come back from the living dead (the swine flu in our home). That thing clung around for 2 weeks. Not fun. So now I am playing catch up with people's blogs and life in general. I hope all is well with you guys and you are staying well. Toodles.

  12. I think I remember reading somewhere that donkeys make good guard animals for flocks of sheep--did you get them for this for your goats?

  13. They are just too awesome. You can just see their personalities! I would really love to hug them! Have you named them yet?

  14. I see now they are GATOR and APOLLO! How great.

  15. This is so exciting!! I bet the two of them will have such fun in their new digs! Really, I think they're so lucky!

  16. They are sooo cuuute!!! They are going to be some happy donkeys!

  17. Congrats! I am sure they will adjust in no time. They are absolutely precious :D

  18. Heather, I came across a farm the other day with 6 of these cute mini donkeys...and took tons of pictures...and thought of you!
    I know the boys will love their new home and caregivers! Have fun ;)

  19. I have to echo everyone else......CUTE STUFF!

  20. Oh my...the boys are adorable! What sweet faces and they look so soft. Are small donkeys called donkettes? Just kidding!


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