Sunday, November 15, 2009

All of The Sudden It's Winter

Winter has finally come to my neck of the woods and I can honestly tell you that Jack Frost is not high on my list of faves right now. Dang it, I forgot how cold winter is. I thought I was ready but maybe not quite yet. My raised bed garden is looking pretty sad right about now. Part of my heart sings about that and the other part is in a schizophrenic depression. It changes hour by hour.

The chickens weren't totally sure the first time they came out into the snow. Funny thing was I couldn't figure out what was wrong with the chickens. Silly us. We were all having a brain malfunction!

We added this little shelf and mini fridge to the chicken house this morning. We figured that with both of us working we would not always be available for egg dispersal. Now we have serve yourself. This also solves the problem of having too many dozen in the fridge inside the house. This will easily hold more than I care to stock. I thought I would let my daughter make a money can for the folks that want to pick up eggs this way.

This ought to work like a dream. There are actually some folks in my town who live rurally and have a full size refrigerator out by the highway. People are welcome to just help themselves. I have always wondered if everyone pays or if they get stiffed with any regularity. I haven't had the nerve to ask them yet. I figure this will be somewhat more controlled. Only those we want to know about it will.

And just for fun a cute picture of one of the boys! They are so darn sweet! We play with them every day and every day shows strides in what they learn. No buyer's remorse here~


  1. We had our first significant snow some time ago, but since then it's been unseasonably warm. Autumn is about to enter its third trimester, so a more permanent cold can't be far away.

    I like the refrigerator in the chicken house. Where I live, farmers leave produce and money boxes out for self-service. It's very convenient. I can't imagine the practice would last if people regularly stiffed the farmers.

    Good luck! (Oh, and I love the photo of your boy.)

  2. Ah snow! We won't see any of that around here for a while if at all. Neat idea with the refrigerator!

  3. I also like the refrigerator idea. I see a lot of money boxes -although I don't know if they get cheated or not -I know it would definetly eat away at your conscience if you didn't put the money in!

  4. I can hear the snow crunching under your boots. Lovely to hear about an area with help-yourself refrigerators. You moved to the right place. And the burro photo! You're going to have to start a line of greeting cards so the world can see those guys.

  5. Heather,
    Sorry about the snow and winter prying its way in already. Good idea the fridge.
    Sorry to tell you we had a 75 degree day here and we worked in the garden all day it was lovely. Even saw 3 species of butterflies and a dragonfly.

  6. Good thing you have so much canned and frozen that you'll have plenty to eat while your garden and you rest. How's the egg production going? Great idea with the fridge.

  7. I love the look of the first snow. I was hoping to see some while I am here in MI but doesn't look like it will happen. Amazing!

    At least your raised beds look nice still. Love the lines that the snow reveals.

  8. Oh yeah, I can't pee next to people either unless it's a close girlfriend I have had lot's to drink!

  9. so, what did the chickens actually think of the snow? did they frolic? we haven't had our first snow yet here in VT, but I have heard that chickens don't want anything to do with it! We're thinking of making them a dust bathing sandbox underneath their coop...

  10. JP- The chickens were all staying under the eaves of the chicken house and I was trying to do the same. I seriously couldn't figure out what had gotten into them until I realized I was doing the exact same thing. Now they don't mind it at all but we have lots of areas they can get away from it and they really, really like to be outside the run.

    Catherine- we got an even dozen today. Our highest to date. We should see 18+ in the next few weeks. Some eggs are still soft and obviously whoever lays them does not really know it's coming. We find those in strange places. But my research says this is normal when they first begin. I know I am feeding them right so shells should be good.

  11. Hi Heather~~ I know what you mean about schizophrenic attitudes where winter is concerned. However, from my vantage point, your raised bed area looks beautiful. My sister lives in Baker City, Oregon and their low tonight is predicted to be 18. Brrrr....

    As for your self-serve egg stand, just have a little note that says, "you're on surveillance." That'll keep 'em honest! :)

  12. I feel for you, Heather! Your beds look all neat and ready for rest though. The farmettes around here set out coolers to house their 'eggs for sale'. That donkey face is too cute!

  13. Our bee mentor sell his honey in a little self serve bench. Doesn't have any problems. LOVE your egg dispensary! What a great idea! Hard to believe it is time for snow. We rarely get snow here before Thanksgiving. I'm still not ready.

  14. Nice photos! I learned in England this fall that eggs don't need to be refrigerated. The eggs in the stores are all out in the aisles like bread or crackers. But I guess we still expect the refrigeration...nice idea making a "self serve" area.

  15. Oh geez it sure looks cold! Your veggie garden still rocks though-even in the snow.

  16. In our area I know the farmer puts out tomatoes and a money can and it seems to work. I am impressed with your egg production.
    That last picture is pretty cute!

  17. Heather,
    That is a clever idea with the fridge. It is nice for your garden to take a wee nap. You will be ready for whole new season too, next year!

  18. Oh, Heather. I don't know whether to cheer your downtime or be sorry you don't have my green weeds (and vegetables) to deal with.

    How are your hens still laying? Don't they close down?

  19. I love the photos of the snow. I hope you are staying warm. I think selling your eggs using the honor system is a great idea. I think the majority of people will honor it, or I would like to think so :)

    I visited a used bookshop in Wales that had no sales clerks inside. In fact there was no one there. You just picked a book and paid your money into an antique cash register. I just love it!

  20. The snow hit us last weekend, too. But it's all gone now, except the snowman my son made in the backyard, which is shrinking. Good luck with the eggs setup. I wish I lived close enough to buy some from you! I've never had super-fresh eggs from the farm.

  21. Oh man, I TOTALLY feel your pain! We got the same snow and it is FREEZING cold! I have felt the schizophrenic depression! Love the picture of your cute little boy! :)

  22. Summer passes all too soon but at least there is another one to look forward to. I love the picture of one of your boys.

  23. Hi Heather, greetings from southern California. Love your blog. I'm still working on my tiny urban chicken coop, but hope to get my hens soon. stop by my "farm" for a visit, and don't laugh too hard. --Lou

  24. Winter.....I'm lucky we are having an abnormaly hot november =)....but still too cold for crops. Great pics =)Oh and great idea about the mini fridge =)


Thank you for your ideas, suggestions or greetings. I love to hear from you and read them all.