Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mini Donkeys in Our Future?

Saturday morning Doyle and I are going to look at a pair of these darling little guys. Mini Donkeys! Yeah us! They are half brothers who will only grow to 32 inches tall give or take an inch. They are now 3 months old and will be ready to come live with us at the end of the month. Guess we will be retrofitting the barn again. They will need to be kept separate from the pygmy goats because donkeys play a little rougher than goats. Boy would they give Ollie a run for his money. I can't wait to see them and will take lots of pictures so I can share them with all of you. I can see a mini donkey pair pulling a cart in the Council 4th of July parade. We are on our way to full fledged farm yet!


  1. Heather,
    You ARE on your way! I hope that you bring these little donkeys home to keep your goats company. They are extremely cute! I wonder what kind of personality they will have?
    Good luck!

  2. How exciting! They sure look like they are cute. I wonder what will be next?

  3. Can you pick 2 up for me? They are so darn cute! How exciting for you. -Jackie

  4. aaahhhhh! He is so cute. I just wanna hug'em! You lucky luck duck. I wan't a farm!

  5. Heather, it's time to open a petting zoo! This one will be the most popular!

  6. Heather,

    Wow sounds like you will enjoy them! They are fun to watch play. We have a pair of standard donkeys next door and we hear them braying all the time. They run and chase each other a lot in the field with their goats.

  7. yay! this post and photo made me smile. good luck on your farm. = )

  8. Yep, you are on your way! When do the dairy cattle come? Cute little donkeys, your grandchild will love them!

  9. Heather,
    About the voles, have you tried planting your bulbs in hardware cloth baskets? Sometimes that is effective. They are time consuming to make but sometimes it is worth it! There are no guarantees in gardening!

  10. How adorable - not as cute as Pygmy Goats but right up there. Well . . . maybe . . . I want a farm sooooooooooo bad.

  11. Yeah you! They are adorable!!!!!

  12. Denise and I have an uncle who has these. They are very very cute. You could train them to pull a little cart full of grandchildren.

  13. I love that little guy and do send us lots of pictures. We want all the details cause you tell it so well.

  14. So you decided to get them! How wonderful! Can't wait to see the pictures.

  15. Wow...I am think I am in love with this super adorable fella! AWww!! Great post..I am smitten! Hope to see more photos of these sweethearts!

  16. So adorable! What fun to have a farm. Hard work, too, I know -- but you get to have the cutest little donkeys!

  17. oh, they're very cute!! I have a friend who used to have donkeys and they're great animals to have in the farm - friendly, easy-going, etc. We would always make a point to save food for the donkeys, it was fun.

  18. I used to live next door to a miniature donkey who would cry to come into our house when it rained! We'd let her come in and curl up in front of the fireplace every so often. She was just like a big dog. You'll have a lot of fun with the donkeys.


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