Saturday, October 17, 2009


Some little something has me so intrigued with beekeeping. Leah, over at The Burbs and the Bees is a beekeeper and I can say with all honesty that she motivates me even more to want to do this. My husband thinks I am nuts. "Just call the local beekeeping company and see if they will store some on our property. There won't be any work on our part that way." Well it's the work aspect that intrigues me so. I want to inspect the hive and see the bees busily at work, improving my environment. Did you know having a backyard beeyard will help to keep this species healthier and intact. They are in trouble in the USA and many crops depend solely on honey bees to polinate the fields. Your food needs them. My food needs them. They will also help my garden look even better next year.

I am 2/3 of the way through the book in the photo and it is nearly a 'can't put down' kind of book for me. I actually thought reading it would quell my curiosity but it has only made it more profound. More to come as my winter research continues. I need to finish this book so I can read the Raising Mini Donkeys book that came in the mail yesterday. Three more weeks until the boys come to their new home! Can't wait.


  1. You are so brave Heather! Several of my relatives used to be beekeepers and I used to spend some time helping them. It was nice to visit, to enjoy, to eat the freshest honey... But for them, it was a hard job with many issues, failures, troubles and even bee-scale tragedies. Rewarding job, but busy and not easy. If you get into it.... could I buy some honey from you?

  2. I would LOVE to have bees. I've bitten off a bit this year, so it will be a next year project if we do it. I look forward to reading about it on your blog though (hint hint- DOOO IT!!! LOL).

  3. Well, Heather, if anyone can do it, YOU can do it. I'm predicting you will since hard work doesn't seem to phase you. Your blogging buddies will cheer you on and marvel in your success as we have in your other intrepid pursuits. You can always count on us! I've got Mason Bees and lots of visitors in summer but that's where my knowledge and commitment end. Those ...For Dummies books are very informative, aren't they? Keep us posted.

  4. Heather,
    We had bees when I was little. My Dad dabbled in just about everything.
    I would recco. you do it. You seem to have the ability to grasp things quickly and bees will be very rewarding for you.
    Can't wait to see your post about when those donkeys' come home.

  5. Heather I am so glad to hear that you are going to be keeping bees. I know in my area I have saw a terrible decline in their numbers. It is a scary prospect to see them dying off for some reason.You are to be commended for your project.

  6. I like the idea and we have many bees come to the garden but I don't have the corage to look after bee hives.

  7. Sorry Courage that was meant to be

  8. Beekeeping sounds like fun to us too. My husband kept bees as a kid and we're going to start keeping some this spring.

  9. Heather, you will love the Bees! yes, you might get a few stings, but for the most part, they are very docile. Join your local bee keeping club, nice people and lots of great info!Find a local supplier for your hives, saves money on shipping the should start with at least two hives...Brian (Doyle will have no problem with assembly,but it takes a little time,not to say that you won't be doing it your self!!)

  10. i have thought about it too! i think we need to wait until we have some more land though but if you decide to go for it - i look forward to reading about it.

  11. When I started beekeeping I was so obsessed I would dream about them. It's better now, but I was nibbling on some honeycomb this morning and thinking how fortunate I am to be able to keep them. The garden is great, the honey is great, it's great fun.

  12. Hi Heather,

    Gosh, we too have been talking about honey bees since our garden is abundantly filled with them in the summer... found out our neighbors down the road have hives. We have so many projects, not sure we have much energy left at the end of the day. Perhaps we'll just get some honey from our neighbors. ;)

    Keep us abreast of your progress.

  13. You should definitely do this. It fits right in with the rest of your farm and would be so fun for you to do... and oh how wonderful the honey would taste. -Jackie

  14. oh my gosh, there is even a "Beekeeping for Dummies" book? Too funny, I'll have to actually go out and get a copy. we've been wanting to start beekeeping for a few years now. our neighbors do it, so hopefully they are open to a little tutoring. good luck!

  15. This is an interesting idea and i am sure you will do it in an enormous way. I love gardening for insects and i am sure this book will have a positive impact on your garden and the flowering plants you grow. best of luck

  16. Congratulations on your Blotanical award!

    Your blog is featured in the Garden World Report show, "Garden Book and Blog Awards Show." Please watch it and if you like it, share the link with your online garden friends!


  17. Bees would be so fun. Don't make a mistake I made though and mistake wasps for bees. Fortunately I did not get stung just a bit red faced for posting on it. We have a beekeeping club here in my town and I know the president thru my gardening activities. He tries to get everyone to keep a hive or two. They do require work though so if the beekeeping company cares for them you simply must go for it.

  18. Hooray!!! You are gonna love it... really.
    : ))

  19. You should read some of the books by Sue Hubble: "A Country Year," and "A Book of Bees."

    She was a bee keeper in Missouri. They are full of lovely, quite essays, with lots of info about bees. A County Year is one of my favorite books.

  20. We have honeybees too, and have been beekeeping for about 14 years. Sometimes hubby will say it is a lot of work for what we get, but I remind him having honeybees is good for the earth.
    It is hard work, and you do get stung. My hubby will suit up and I can stand there in shorts,t-shirt, no hat and they won't sting me. They always find a way to sting him! Once he have me his hat to put on, and they didn't like that and stung me underneath my eye! Boy did I look funny!!! Yet when you are raiding the hive, and reach down to snitch a piece of honeycomb....ahhh. The fresh out of the hive on a warm day with each time a different taste, and sometimes each hive will have its own unique taste too. To me it is well worth it!!!


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