Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Goats At The End Of The Rainbow

Do you ever really wonder where the end of the rainbow is? I do, pretty regularly. The end of summer in my part of Idaho is often volatile and forest fires usually spark up after you think the danger has passed. Not yet this summer! So far we are still A-Ok and have plenty of lightening shows to watch in awe!

The goats on the other hand, hate inclement weather of any kind. If a storm cloud passes over head, they hide. If it gets too hot, they nap. When the wind blows..... they scream at the top of their lungs for us to come sit with them. Spoiled rotten goats, I tell you.

I must admit, they are sitting pretty fat and happy right now. This picture doesn't begin to show how round this little girl is. She is officially wider than she is tall and is dieting.... against her will. They can be heard hollering from the barn when they think dinner is three minutes late and they bellow in the morning just to compete with the dang rooster.  My small farm now sounds like a much larger farm. Even at 6:00 in the morning. Especially at 6:00 in the morning. I wonder if one can get morning blinders for a rooster and tranquilizers for pygmy goats, I would desperately like to sleep in one of these days. Just for a minute.


  1. I would spoil those goats rotten too, they're so cute! I just have spoiled rotten cats, one on a diet also... Good luck on getting some sleep - precious stuff.

  2. Too funny! They are spoiled aren't they! Great rainbow shot

  3. Rainbow is nature's gift on colours and symmetry. I wouldn't know where it ends... But you nice goat. She is quite showy with her tongue... ~bangchik

  4. LOL, Heahter! Them dang goats and roosters were soo cute when they were babies...glad I didn't cave in and adopt some ;) Yes, you will definitely get to sleep in when pigs fly over that beautiful rainbow...haha! Maybe eye mask and earplugs can help??

  5. Your goats make me laugh! Though I can't say I'm sad that they bellow at 6 am in your garden instead of mine. I'll just enjoy them by blog instead of in person . . . or in goat, whatever.

  6. Heather,
    This was a fun post to read! I like your sense of humor.
    I had no idea goats were so demanding! It reminds me of my kids. :)

  7. LOL. At least you don't need an alarm clock??

  8. I love goats. I thought they were meant to be spoiled. I used to raise angora goats and they never did get the hang of the daylight savings time changes.

  9. We had a cat who used to stand in the garden and yell "I HATE the wind" I'd call her in. 2 seconds later she was out again. " I HATE ...

  10. From dogear6 -

    I have three dogs and have the same thing with them you describe with the goats. The dogs will not go out if it is raining or snowing or anything less than ideal weather. And they grew up in snow country too - they should be used to this.

    The beagle is on a diet - unwillingly - and makes it very clear when his food is late. A dog needs to eat!

  11. Heather,
    I see your farm is now a Certified Wildlife Habitat - congrats!

  12. Your storm leary goats can join my Australian Shepherd in the bathtub where he hides if there is thunder!

  13. Heather, you gave me laugh and a smile tonight and so did your goats! What spoiled little critters they are! They reminded me of the mountain goats we were able to pet and hold this summer. One was so full of personality that it kept running and head butting us and chewing at our ears and clothes. Quite endearing! But I'm sure not quite as endearing as a 6:00 am wake-up call! There's always Benadryl! :)

  14. That would drive me dang near nuts. I would like cuddling with the goats though----that's probably what my MrD says.....cuddling with a goat.

  15. You sit with them when the wind blows? For that, they should help you with your canning.

  16. Hi Heather,
    The thought of dramatic late summer weather is a fascinating. It doesn't happen where I live, however yesterday was overcast in the morning and we had two drops of rain! Your garden is fabulous– what fine country you live in.

  17. First thanks for subscribing to my blog =)
    It's great that you have goats because I'm thinking of having some in the future ;) also we share a similar gardening zone...witch is great =) I hope for a little more time to look more carfully at your blog =)
    Have a great day

  18. great shot of rainbow, Heather.

    cute goats these are and really spoiled as well. but then i guess all the goats get spoiled. Same is the case with some of goats in our native land. They can tolerate heat but say no no to colds.

  19. Wow, so they'll bellow when they're scared and if you go to them they'll be ok? That's so cute!

  20. I even think they're cute and saying I don't like goats is a huge understatement. I wouldn't be surprised if the military isn't conducting secret weapons research to unleash the full destructive nature of goats.

  21. I LOL'd while reading the line about blinders for the roosters and tranquilizers for the goats

  22. Ah, yes, the joys of raising animals.... It's a good thing they're so cute otherwise those early mornings would get ugly fast.

    We've added you to our reader at AllThingsGoat and look forward to more news of your goats.

  23. Try living where you worry about whether or not the bears are breaking into your chicken house or the cougars are in the pen killing your goats! There are days when I seriously think I need to move.

  24. PS. Our goats could be related! They have a very similar look.




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