Monday, August 24, 2009

Random Garden Images

As the summer begins to wind down in my part of Idaho I thought I would share some pictures of what I see in my garden now.

My porch rail pots did well this summer. I normally have hanging baskets above these in each of the five spots across my front porch but this summer I thought it would look too busy. I like it like this. Less clutter in the flower world.

I have pots like this planted and sitting on each corner of my patio. I won't plant that light green coleus again as apparently it is a shadier plant than I forced it to be. It did all right but had burn spots on it all season. Think maybe I should have read the tag in the basket stuffers I bought. Live and learn.

I also thought I would be able to keep my chickens out of the main yard and interest them in keeping to the orchard area only. Boy was I wrong. They like the shade and interest of the yard around the house better. They just go right under my gate. Silly birds. So far they don't seem to be too destructive.

This is one of our giant sunflowers we thought we would grow for wild bird food. They are 6.5-7 foot tall now and don't seem to be done growing yet. We have at least two varieties and all seem to be doing well. I actually have not seen one bird on them yet, they must still be developing their seeds.

This is our newest resident. He (or she?) has taken up between two rows of tomatoes and is making it very difficult to pick them without disturbing her. She caught herself a huge grasshopper today and I am still itching having spent so much time trying to get a good photo of her. Pretty industrious little (big) spider.

Things are still pretty busy with harvest time upon us. Finally the corn is all done and the beans are starting to be over too. Yeah! I am tired of putting up beans, the drying kinds are actually fun though. I will have to find more variety next year.


  1. That spider looks big enough to keep me out of just about any garden, tomatoes or not. We had a huge wasp in our yard the other day - about 2" long. It's been a crazy year for wasps in our neck of the woods.

    You're right about the coleus. But I think it looks nice against the other blooms and foliage in the pot.

  2. I'm having the same problems with a coleus of the same shade of light-lime green. Mine is in full sun, too. Thinking of repotting it and bringing it indoors to winter over.

    Tell me your chickens are on astroturf, not real grass. That is just too green to be 'yard'. It's August! Tell me it's astroturf or green carpet! (Oh, I get it -- you walked them over to a golf course....)

  3. We have big black and yellow garden spiders, here in Ohio. They're busy predators nibbling on bad bugs, but unfortunately, good ones, too.

    The porch box is lovely, great color combination.

  4. I've grown those giant sunflowers for the birds, too. Most years, though, the very moment they are at their peak, something comes along and tears off their heads. Could it be squirrels? Are they that strong?
    Either way, they're feeding wildlife, so I'm fine with that.
    Thanks for your input on the chestnut post!

  5. Your lawn sure looks great, Heather! I was thinking you've been busy with all those crops...canning, drying, etc. Hope the corn is extra sweet!

  6. Hey Heather,
    I spent some time browsing your blog and it was so fun to remember the good days when I lived in western Idaho and gardened/canned all those goodies of the harvest.

    I'm up here in Alaska and I'm just at a loss to gardening here in the Cold Country! (Going on 16yrs)
    We now have a large sun porch that I can have potted veggie's this year has been a trial & error to see how things go.

    LOL even had a fish pond/fountain to water the plants!
    Electric is so expensive I haven't canned or used my harvester dehydrator in years....such a shame!

    And I even managed a nursery in Washington State you can imagine what I'm going thru??? Gardening DT's LOL

    Thanks for keep everyone inspired!

    Shell in Alaska

  7. I know I'm sick, but I love watching my big female garden spider catch evil grasshoppers--roll them in silk, inject poison into them. Delightful. Alas.

  8. I love the picture of the chickens on that bright green grass. Your containers are still looking really nice. Mine are about ready to be rearranged for fall.
    I love the sunflower.

  9. Uh, scary spider, Heather! But he is definitely serving his intended purpose and as long as s/he stays on its web you'll know where it is. It's when it disappears that you wonder if he's crawling up your back. At least this is what I do...I'm a wuss. Your containers are lovely. I agree with Catherine, your lawn is so green and lush. What's your secret?

  10. Your containers are really nice. Guess your chickens have a mind of their own? Kind of fun.

  11. There are varieties of coleus that can withstand quite a bit of sun, I've used some and they're lovely. (the label is the tipoff)
    Your containers look great.
    Our chicks love the shade also and eat quite a bit of grass.

  12. Hi Heather,
    Cute chickens, nasty but helpful spider!
    Nice flower pots, I like that color combination you have got going there.

  13. Great pots. Fall will be here before you know it!

  14. Wow, it is all so lovely. And chickens know where you don't want them to go, and that's where they go. Always. This time of year it's not much bother. The plants are big enough. In the spring, though, we have to roll them around in a chicken tractor. Otherwise, our sprouts are all trampled or eaten.

    Thanks for showing us around your place. As always, your energy amazes me. You get so much done!

  15. That long pot is especially pretty. I tried some 'Blue Angel' hostas in morning sun this year, and boy, were they unhappy about it. Guess they need full shade, all day. Live and learn. They were both dug up today and moved someplace better.

  16. I can't believe your chickens have been as well behaved as they have! We finally corralled ours as they were so very destructive. I'm happier.

    It's lovely to see all the little touches you do.

  17. Your spider shot gave me the willies! Ugh! And I love your container pot hanging from your deck. It looks spectacular considering all of the hot weather you've been having. It looks like it's not suffering a big! Great job! And love your sunflower and hens too!


Thank you for your ideas, suggestions or greetings. I love to hear from you and read them all.