Friday, July 3, 2009

Blooming Today

My yard and garden have seemed to take a long time to start blooming with the cool off in the month of June. But alas, today I have blooms everywhere. All of our time has been spent completing the chicken house and puting on the final touches (read: paint and flower beds) so things seem weedy to me and I will fix that soon.

This stand of daylilies has been here for who knows how many years. I have thinned them and moved them around but they are so darn crowded that something has to be done again soon. I must say though, they put on a good show when they start. Hundreds of blooms open each day and they really are amazing to see. People see them from the road and often drive in to see them. I am always flattered as I have heard them called 'ditch lilies' many time. These are also what I have as the blog header picture here.

My bleeding heart took a while to rebound after my dog took a nice nap on top of it. It has very few blooms but this is only year two in my garden. The greenery is nice and if I can keep Marley off of it, it should be beautiful next year!

And this pretty pink daylily started blooming today too! I don't know what the name of this is, I actaully don't think it had a tag when I bought it but is is pretty and I can't wait to be able to divide it and add it to other areas in the yard.

And finally the coreopsis. I seem to kill this every time I plant it in my yard so I was thrilled to see it come back nicely. I have tons of babies in the butterfly garden and will transplant those to the island bed on Sunday. I love the punch of color this adds to a mainly green strip so I invite it to grow larger. We will see if I am crying a different tune next year.


  1. Sure do like the coreopsis -- reliable bloomers.

  2. Your lilies are so pretty, I love that you have such a nice big stand of them. I think I have the same Coreopsis. I hope mine gives me babies, they are a really pretty one.

  3. I bet your daylilies are something to see! Can't wait. Love that coreopsis with the red eye, wish I'd planted it instead. See, it did come back! Cool!

  4. I noticed the header photo right away. It is quite a stunning display. I'd be most proud too. Have a great weekend.

  5. Hi Heather, I am anticipating VW's post on pink daylilies. Yours is fabulous. I'm a sucker for pink. Your "ditch lilies" wow. Can you imagine rounding a corner and seeing a ditch full of these? I'd probably get in a wreck. LOL. Yours don't look crowded to me and I don't see any weeds either. Ah, the inner critic... I know her well. :) Your gardens are beautiful.

  6. Very nice Heather, now everything is starting to bloom and we're all happy. Remember the waiting a month ago? I love your pink Daylily - hope one of my unmarked ones is like that. Fat chance!

  7. Dog slept on the bleeding heart ... We mulch with straw, which the cat sees as a comfy nest. Any hopeful plant is kicked flat before he settles down!

  8. Your blooms are pretty. I can't wait until the 'ditch' lilies I planted multiply. I have planted them in a very difficult flower bed where nothing else wants to grow.

  9. Everything looks great, as usual!

  10. The 'Ditch Lilies' are my favorite Daylily. The roads around here a lined with them - guess that's how they got the name. Big, vigorous and aggressive - they are my favorite since I always seem to have some to spare :)

  11. Hi Heather. Thanks for your welcome on blotanical. It is nice to know where to go and viit for great blogs. You have a beautiful garden and so much land. I enjoyed reading about it and seeing your pictures. Have a great fourth of July..

  12. It is a beautiful sight when those lilies are in bloom! And I love the little pink one you have! Glad your bleeding heart is recovering ;)

  13. The stand of Day lillies look great and a good way to grow them.

  14. Remember that daylilies are edible!

  15. Gorgeous plantings! And like you, I do not have a green thumb with coreopsis. Maybe one day! You have a beautiful yard.


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