Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wood Shaving By The Yard

Our friend, Dolan, asked Doyle if he would like a truckload of wood shavings from the mill in town. We were needing to get some for the chicken house so the timing could not have been more perfect. Dolan said he would bring them early the next morning and he was right on the money. I thought he was bringing a dump truck load. He brought a humongous truckload. 44 yards to be exact. That was much larger than a dump truck, it was like 4+ dump trucks. He put it way in the back of the coral and it is a monster pile. We filled as many bags as we could find places for and stored them in the loft of the barn. We had to lock the cows out of this area until we could finish. It was scheduled to rain so time was of the essence.

We finally let the cows back into this area. The cows love to be up on any hill they can climb. Doyle says this will "enrich" the future compost these shavings will become. This is basically how we got the last mountain of compost. We made it with a similar pile of sawdust. It took about 3 years and lots of stirring with the tractor but it made some very good stuff. It is wonderful to have a huge pile of pretty compost at my disposal.
The pile has been smooshed down considerably since is first arrived. The cows went ape-crazy over this fun stuff. It liken it to ball pits at Chuck-E-Cheese. Except for cows and not children.

Even the bull had his turn in it. I wish I could have seen this sight first hand but Doyle got the pictures while I was away at the dental conference. I would rather watch cows frolic in the wood shavings pile.

We added more to the chick brooder too. They love this stuff! We waited until they were here for about 5 days before we uncovered the shavings and removed the overlying newspaper. I didn't want them eating it and not the food we put out. Once they know where the food is, that isn't a problem anymore. This little one thought she was hidden from sight. Pretty close but not completely.

Here you can see just how far down she burrowed into the fluff. I thought that was cute. They are still afraid but I do have a friendly one, a little barred rock that comes right up and isn't fearful at all. She lets me pick her up and comes back for more when I walk in. I wish the rest of them would get over their fear of the new mommy (me). I think that looking down at them makes them feel like prey, it should get much better when they are out of the brooder. I hope.


  1. great shot of the bull! i know how it feels to not be home when something memorable happens! i really enjoy your blog, and love to hear about the chicks. are you having a rainy june, as we are here in ny?

  2. I didn't know you had cows too? I bet they had a riot. I love to give my laying hens straw. You would think it was Christmas or something. They cluck and scratch, and make all those neat chicken noises.

  3. We had a similar issue with wood chips for mulch -- it took us weeks to spread it, by hand, over a small urban lot. Just more tree than we had planned for!

    The cows look as though they're having fun. Great that you have a bunch put away for the future.

  4. Heather, these are great photos of cows at play! Who knew they liked sand! I bet you were sore after all that bending and bagging! Your little chick is adorable, and yes, I hope they all outgrow their shyness soon!

  5. Looks like fun for the animals. Who wouldv'e thought the cows would have so much fun?

  6. Hi Heather~~ Hardly a dull moment in your neck of the woods. LOL Your animals have such personalities and you seem to have a keen sensibility in interpreting them. Good luck with that compost pile.

  7. Thats Hilarious!

    "The cows went ape-crazy over this fun stuff. It liken it to ball pits at Chuck-E-Cheese. Except for cows and not children"


  8. Love the pic of the bull! So funny!

  9. I'm all for anything that will become future compost. Can never have enough of the wonderful stuff. :-)

  10. Funny cows!
    Cute chicks. Ours are getting better with us.

  11. These pics are great! Animals are just the darndest things sometimes!

  12. Great idea! I've been buying bags of cedar chips from our local Tractor Supply store. Going to have to look for wood chips now. I had dug some sawdust up from the orchard, but really didn't have enough. The picture of the cows is hysterical!!

  13. Cows are great. You just don't think they'd be funny, but there you go. Reminds me of that children's book "Click Clack Moo, Cows That Type."

  14. I love reading about your life. You are precious! I hope your chicks do start to warm up to their new mommy


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