Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Toads ~ Just Kidding!

The meat chickens are growing into toads. They are huge! They are a White Cornish Cross and they are bred to be super fast growers and holy sh*&, they aren't lying! These soon to be dinner chickens (I am still struggling to be OK with this) are six weeks old and giants already. We actually take their food away from them at night, which a lot of people don't do, and they are still amazing growers. Imagine if we left food out for them 24/7. Taking the food at night slows down their growth a little so that they don't tip over for no apparent reason. This kind of chicken does that a lot. I am happy and proud to report that none of ours have. Yeah us!

Hard to believe they were just tiny little fuzzy guys (and girls) a mere month and a half ago. Nuts. Thank goodness people don't grown like this:-D

On a happier note, the laying chicks are 17 days old now and were starting to fly around the brooder so we let them out of it tonight. I think they love it. They run around and try to fly and bump chests. Sheesh, I hope that isn't the male trait coming out in my female ordered chicks. They better all be girls, that is what the hatchery was supposed to send. Roosters are currently out of my league and I don't want to have to find homes for roosters, that seems an unlikely to succeed task.

We had to put them into the run for a few minutes while we took the brooder out of the chicken house. They weren't sure what the heck was going on. It will probably be at least another week before they go out again, I want to make sure they are feathered properly for temperature control reasons. They have grown a lot already and still seem so small. 
Good news is that I have one very friendly chick. All the others are afraid of me. She comes right up to me and sits down in my hand. It is pretty cute. I named her Monica. She is also the smallest chick we have, kind of a runt. The next 5 friendly ones I can pick out of the bunch will become Rachel, Ross, Joey, Chandler and Phoebe. Can you tell what my all time favorite show was?


  1. Well, once you get done processing the Cornish X chickens, any roosters you have will be easy to deal with ; )

    At least I managed, and I'm not yet raising meat birds. My local friend Kristin is raising them and she's finding their growth pretty amazing too. I'm still just doing egg birds, and they're slow growers, comparatively.

    Thanks for sharing yours. It gives me ideas. If only we had more room. . .

  2. Hi Heather~~ Well not only are they growing by leaps and bounds, they look exceedingly healthy. And their pens are so clean. Love your "Friends" plan.

  3. Your chicks are adorable. I love the way they huddle together. Ours like to be offended by the smallest noise.

  4. Adorable -- even the meat chickens, too!

  5. Very cool chickens. I like my hens, but never really liked those white cornish crosses when we were growing them, so it was easier for me(in the I love this creature living sense)The cornish crosses really do grow!! and they make the best tasting chicken you've ever eaten.

    I actually even like the rooster we have now. Boy..could I post some rooster stories! You are wise not to have gotten any roosters. LOL

  6. They are growing fast! I'm not sure I could do the meat chicken thing, the egg chickens definitely. The coop looks great!

  7. Let me guess, Friends! I never watched it but boy oh boy was the PR ever so good for that show. Comedies are not my thing. Those chickens are so pretty!

  8. Those first hens are growing fast. Glad you don't have any tippers :)
    I like the Friends idea for names. Monica was always my favorite.
    They are so cute, it looks like they all followed each other under there and are trying to figure out how to get in.

  9. Wow I can't believe how big the meat chickens are already. It looks like you giving them an excellent home - much better than they would have been if they were in a processing plant. I know it must be hard though to think they will be dinner soon, but you are doing good thing for your family. -Jackie

  10. Your babies are adorable! I love their names, very funny!

  11. I wouldn't worry too much about the chest-bumping thing. All three of my hens do that. I think it's just part of the whole pecking-order routine.

  12. What a beautiful site Heather! And to think they are only 1 1/2 months old? Wow!

  13. I dont' have fond memories of raising Cornish Cross chickens, as we butchered them ourselves. Not a task for the faint hearted. :-)
    You have a beautiful flock of layers in the making.

  14. O - too funny! I love Monica!! Our friendliest chicken is named after my great-aunt...Helen. She was an eccentric bird!! Gosh..your meat chicken are getting big!!

  15. Tipping chickens...LOL!! Maybe you can have someone else do the 'dirty deed' when it's time..I would be hesitant too!

  16. I can't believe how fast those meat chickens are growing!

  17. Monica the friendly chick? Didn't she intern in D.C.? (forgive me)

    Heather, I thought about you today as we brought our mini goats home. :-)

  18. You're likely to have a rooster or two in the mix. It always seems to be that way! Good luck with the chicks.


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