Sunday, June 7, 2009

Miss Baylee and the Goats

Our granddaughter, Baylee, loves the goats. I have mentioned this before. She tries to make goat sounds and knows right where they are when she comes to visit. All she has to do is point and Grandpa takes her to see her friends. Baylee is 15 months old now and pretty good at getting what she wants. She is so cute it's hard to deny her anything. 
After a visit on Thursday I posted some pics of the goats and her mom got on to look at the newest post. Oops! Baylee saw the goats and wouldn't let her mom log off. If the screen went to sleep, she cried. If Nichole tried to log off, she cried. She wanted to see the goats.
This funny shot is Baylee kissing Mama Goat through the computer screen. This would never happen in real life, Mama Goat is a big chicken but Baylee does not know that yet.  I just had to share. We laughed till be cried when Nichole sent this picture. Kids are pretty funny creatures.


  1. That is too cute! I can't believe how long her hair is, my 2 1/2 year olds hair is nowhere near that long.

  2. Oh my gosh! That is the cutest ever. Good grief. Lucky you, having a granddaughter anyway, but such a cute one, too.

  3. What a sweetie!
    Kids and animals just have a special affinity.

  4. What a cute story! Pic of Baylee kissing the screen is precious. -Jackie

  5. Heather, you don't look old enough to have a granddaughter -- she is certainly cute, though!

  6. What fun! I have a new grandson, the first, and I 'm looking forward to showing him the chickens and mini-horses when he's bigger. I've just been catching up on your blog...Wow, I am impressed with your linoleum floored chicken house! Looks better than my kitchen.

  7. What a cutie. There is no end to how they capture our heart those little one. That made me smile. Thanks

  8. Very cute, Heather! We had a pygmy goat show up in our yard when my 16 year old daughter was about 3 years old. It was so happy to see people it began running after the kids. My older two were about 6 and 8. They leaped into the car and left baby sis to fend for herself. She found herself eye to horn with this darling frightened goat who wanted only to be petted. It was hilarious, but my daughter still hates goats! Poor kid! lol

  9. So adorable! How special for you to be able to share all this with her!

  10. so sweet! our daughter is equally fascinated with our chickens as im sure baylee will be too. that made me smile.

  11. Hi Heather, I've just passed on an award to you on my blog. Then it occurred to me you may have already received it and sure enough you already got if from Ellie Mae's Cottage (and perhaps others). Oh well. I have mixed feelings about these awards- but its always nice to know someone enjoys your blog.

  12. Oh, what a sweet baby! My girls had such fun seeing the photo of her kissing the goat on the computer screen. They can relate. Seems they always have one of the new chicks snuggled against a cheek. Those chicks aren't going to know whether they are chickens or parrots. I loved seeing how much your gray chicks looked like ours. Thanks for stopping by and for the nice fave on blotanical, such an honor coming from you!

  13. Awww. It must be great to see your see your "babies" giving each other kisses!


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