Tuesday, May 12, 2009


When I first started this blog I thought only my family would read it. You know, family from far that wants to know what we are up to here in Idaho. Well that didn't happen. I have an aunt in Texas (Hi Aunt Robin!) who reads. Both of our daughters read it and our moms too. But that is about it for family as far as I know.  My grandparents "don't want to buy anything" and that's OK since I am not selling anything. But a huge surprise to me was that so many other people read this blog. I am thankful for all of you who stop by and for those who leave comments. I have learned so much just by starting this blog/journal. I have 'met' some amazing people and discovered a wealth of fabulous information just by reading other garden blogs and links to great stuff. 
So, to celebrate the turning of 10,000 hits (I know I am a little late:-) my daughter and I thought a GiveAway would be fun! So here is the latest and greatest edition of the Ball Blue Book Guide to Preserving 2009 as well as a seed planter and some great little plant markers! All you have to do is add a comment to this post and tell me what the greatest thing happening in your garden is this week. It can be flowers or veggies, in my book a garden is a garden. You don't have to be a canner to enjoy reading the Blue Book. It will make you want to preserve the harvest, guaranteed. Books like this are how I became hooked! I will add all your names in a hat on Sunday evening and draw randomly then. I will post on Monday morning who the lucky winner is! Please leave me a way to get in touch with you when you post. Email will be fine. If you aren't comfortable adding your email address to the comment, just drop me a private mail through the Contact Me link in the top right corner of my blog, Ollie the Goat is the picture to click. Good luck!


  1. Hi Heather! The greatest thing happening in my garden this week is getting the peas planted and them not dying. LOL Congrats on the 10K hits! That is so awesome and well deserved. I love your blog! -Jackie

  2. Wahoo for 10,000 hits! What a fun thing to celebrate!
    My garden isn't very noteworthy yet, but the greatest thing in it right now is the newly finished drip system in the raised beds. It needs some tweaking, and will be a long time work-in-progress, but it's a start!
    Now I have to run and tuck my plants in for a freeze tonight!!

  3. I was just looking at the Blue Book at my local farm and ranch store...
    You have a great blog. I found you by doing a search for Idaho garden blogs (I wanted something more close to home to read.)

    The greatest thing in my garden this week is the sprouted carrots. I've never been successful at getting those darn things to grow. At the end of the season, one or two would finally pop up. My daughter is thrilled because she's the one who planted them.


  4. Congratulations on 10,000 hits Heather! What a fun idea.

    Let's see the best thing in my garden right now is the air. The lilacs and viburnum and daphne make every whiff a delight.

  5. Grats on 10,000 hits. I hope you don't turn black and blue :)

    Not sure which is the greatest thing that happened in the garden this week.

    My mini purple Iris are in bloom or my wife actually did some weeding.

    (no need to put my name in the hat)

  6. Hi Heather, I just started canning last year. I love it! The best thing in my garden is watching the tomatoes grow...almost literally! - Jackie (from blotanical)

  7. The big event in my garden this week is the planting out of two favorite veggies...
    tomatoes and peppers. Yippee!

  8. And did you think so many people would want to read about goats? We do! Congratulations on a mind-boggling number of hits.

    HIgh point here this week in zone 7 is that the white snowball bush and the white dogwood in front of it are in bloom (bract) together.

  9. I started with this book too! It's wonderful..
    Congrats on the hits!!
    And wishing you....many more!!!

  10. Congratulations on the hits Heather. Great accomplishment as I know everyone like reading your posts.
    My garden, hmmmm nothing huge yet - I guess the Columbines and Verbascums are the closest to opening!

  11. Heather,
    Congratulations on 10,000 hits - that is so exciting! I suppose the best thing going on in my garden has been the spring rains, and how they have made everything look as though they were given a shot of steroids. The violas are charming, the tulips are just getting ready to open, and the smokebush is leafing out like crazy!

  12. Congratulations on your 10,000+ I taught myself to can last summer and I've enjoyed the "fruits of my labor" since, I'm definately hooked too!

  13. Congrats on the 10,000 hits! The biggest thing thats happening in my garden is that my roses are blooming!

  14. Heather -

    10,000 hits...what a milestone! Here is to 10,000 more! You won't believe it, last night we were under a freeze warning! May 12th and we had a freeze warning. Man global warming is a killer haha!

  15. Wow...10,000 hits that is AWESOME!!!! I never imagined when I started 3 months ago that anyone would be interested in what I had to say....funny huh! It is such a fun thing. I love the giveaway

  16. Ohhh..I can only imagine 10,000 hits. I agree with Dirt Princess--except I really don't think anybody is interested. LOL. The challenge--I never have problems with something to say--it's the how to say it--now that is the root of it all. Gosh you all are energetic.

  17. I don't have outlook. I will send you my email through facebook

  18. Congrats on the 10m hits!!
    How exciting. The most exciting thing happening here is that we finally have a
    spinach crop to eat! Most years we start it too late, and it gets all leggy really quickly.
    Our asparagus and lettuce and radishes are making us smile too, but the spinach is the best!

  19. You know I have to sign up for this one! My garden excitement this week: I came home and Kim surprised me with a veggie garden expansion! Now we have more room to grow things to can, eat, enjoy!

  20. Congrats on the milestone! You have a great blog and I really enjoy it!
    The greatest thing happening in my garden now is seeing all the flower buds getting ready to open.
    My mom used to can and I remember helping her. Maybe I can restart the family tradition.

  21. I just stumbled upon your blog today and its great! Good luck on all your small farm endeavors... its so wonderful to see such a community out there of like-minded people!

  22. Congrats on your hits!! I just started canning last summer and had a blast with my friend, made a lot of Christmas gifts that way too! Please put my name in the hat..

  23. Okay, I got so excited about the book I totally forgot to add what's happening in my gardens..........we have squash blooms!!!

  24. Congrats on 10K hits! I have a tenth of your followers, but perhaps someday I'll hit the pinnacle, too!

    Anyway -- the greatest thing happening in my garden this week is that almost all 22 roses have big, fat buds; I'm looking forward to a fabulous display in the next week or so.

  25. Good for you, Heather, and congrats on 10,000 hits!!!! Of our combined families, we have exactly one who reads our blog, so we think you're very lucky! Don't put us in your hat---Silence has the Blue Book and thinks somebody else should get it and have a chance to be inspired---but we love that you're celebrating with a giveaway. What's the most exciting thing in our garden this week? We can finally see the 'Yukon Gold' potato sprouts in our potato bin!!!

  26. i love your blog too! thanks for sharing.

    i think the best thing in our garden right now are the jalapenos! its salsa time.

  27. How exciting to reach such a milestone! I can completely relate to your experience with blogging. How connects gardeners that otherwise would never have met.


  28. 10,000 hits Great job Great Blog.

    Liza says the best things in our garden right now are, the Baltimore Oriole's are here and the Hummingbirds are buzzing her.

    You can Email us from our blog in CONTACT US

    Have a great day,

  29. What a great idea! I will have to say the greatest thing that happened in my garden this week is seeing the radish I thought was lost (due to the pot tiping over, and who knows how much time passed before I saw) is now showing signs of life!

  30. Omigosh! 10,000? That's WAY more than, well, 9,000... LOL I'm so happy that your blog is so popular. I know I certainly enjoy my visits here!

    This week in my garden? I got a huge cutting of rhubarb and enjoyed a nice handful of fresh asparagus. Yum!

  31. Congratulations on your readership! The hubby and I are working on getting the first raised bed built - we are running behind due to other conflicts, but we should be done by June 1.

    In the meantime, the mints wintered-over and I am harvesting peppermint every tea for my tea. The sugar snap peas in the planter are nearly 6" tall and the replacement seeds I planted have sprouted. Unfortunately, the planter is dog height and a few times the dog toys have gotten in there, but nothing has been damaged so far.

    The beets in the other planter are about 3" high and the radishes planted in-between are about 2" high. The radishes got planted after I realized the beets were too far apart.

    The lettuce will be ready next weekend for eating - woo hoo! The spinach just sprouted though and I'm not sure why it took so long. Since I didn't think it would germinate, I already planted parsley in the same place for the butterflies to come back to. The spinach should have enough room anyhow.


  32. Sorry Heather - I could not figure out how to post my Internet ID.

    - dogear6

  33. Heather,
    Sign us up over at vegetable123.blogspot.com
    Everything is exciting in our garden but if we have to pick the most exciting it would be the potatoes. We harvested 2 containers this week bringing the grand total to 18 potatoes. It's so cool to tip the containers over and search for spuds. Kids dig it. Punny...
    Happy Gardening from Our Suburban Garden!

  34. You have a wonderful blog so no surprise at the number of hits!

    Among my flowers I'm most excited about the lilac bush's first blooms - ever. In the veg garden it's the potatoes coming up. I've been canning for years and love the Blue Book. Could certainly use the newest version.

  35. Wonderful giveaway Heather;-) Everything in my garden is growing and changing daily...watching the changes and beauty within each plant and the soil around them is the best gift I can think of!

    **Please don't enter me in the giveaway, ok? I just wanted to stop by and say hi!

  36. Hi Heather! I can't believe you've been so busy in the garden and here on the blog! 10,000 hits that's great. I've been busy myself but haven't updated my blog in quite awhile. My computer died and I just got it back up and running today. In my garden...or my yard at this point, I have tulips that bloomed today. Just one little grouping. They are a beautiful red/pink. And...I have clusters of little grape hyacinths randomly located all over the yard which I am going to have to relocate so that I can finally mow the grass for the first time. I hope we get to meet sometime maybe through Victoria's get together. All the best! Beth

  37. Hi Heather - My squash is the best thing going on now. I finally have a small picking. My flowers are a little mad at me for moving them. Due to plumbing issues (a lot of issues) they had to be moved. They all will perk back up as soon as I get out and do a little petting. Have a nice weekend. Becca

  38. That's a lot of hits! Congrats! The best thing going in my garden... well, after late planting, a post planting heat wave that left the bed steaming, random tater snatching raids by dear Luna who would drop them out in the yard, I am happy to report that my potatoes have finally taken off! (Go spuds! I believe in you!) Maggie

  39. Hi Heather,
    Great giveaway and congrats on the hits... I'm with you. I started blogging two years ago thinking the same thing you did.

    This is so amazing... I just found this book online and put it on my wishlist. The best thing happening in my garden is all the veggies I am harvesting. So many I need to start canning... yay!
    Meems @ Hoe and Shovel


Thank you for your ideas, suggestions or greetings. I love to hear from you and read them all.