Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Birthday Bounty

I must say as I age, the longer my birthday week lasts! I was fortunate enough to be born on Cinco 'de Mayo and have always liked that day! Leading up to my 21st birthday, it was great because there were countdowns all over the place. My dad even brought me a life size stand up person holding a tear-off pad of days counting down to the big one! Fun. Well, now on the downhill side of my 30's I am not so in love with the passing of years but I do still like the week. My day started with a ton of wishes from my friends and family on Facebook and on Blotanical! My in-laws called and sang to me. My brother and sister called and my neices sang and life was good. The girls I work with and my boss all took me out to lunch. I got a sombrero to help celebrate. (and a Home Depot gift card which will likely be spent on more wire, or maybe paint!) Good times. I even got to have a wonderful dinner that I did not make or have to clean up. That is wonderful.

I am sure my chicken craziness has not escaped anyone who reads this blogs attention. The meat chicks should be here on Friday. I am so nervous. Hope they all show up live. My mom and my in-laws all got me chicken feeders and waterers. In total I got 4 water founts and 2 feeders. These were exactly what I wanted so that mold inside was not an issue. I plan to hang them to help keep them cleaner. That is another post.

I got canning jars from our oldest daughter and her family. I love canning jars. They get me so excited about this season to come. Nichole chose several sizes and I must say they made my stash look ready for business!

Our younger daughter, Maecy, got me this great edger. Isn't she clever since it happens to be exactly what I wanted. I even started edging the Island bed but it is so soggy I need to wait a day or two after rain to get the job done.
My sister and her girls got me a roll of hardware cloth wire to help with the outdoor run on the chicken house. From all my reading, I learned that chicken wire is like plastic to another animals that really want in. Hardware cloth is strong and if installed properly won't allow marauding creatures to enter the coop.
So, I must admit I had a good day in spite of the fact that it marks the passing of another year. That just means it is another year to garden and play in the dirt. And another year to enjoy my family and friends. Thank you all for making my day a wonderful one!


  1. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY Birthday Dear Heather sounds like it was a good one with lots of fun and goodies!!!
    hugs, Cherry

  2. A belated happy birthday wish to you. What a wonderful selection of gifts you received. I know you love each and every one.

  3. WOOT WOOT.... Happy Birthday to you! And yes, it must be fabulous to be born on the 5th of May. Not to bad to wear the birthday hat at a favorite Mexican Restaurant on that special day.

  4. What a great birthday! I must start getting my canning jars ready too, great reminder!

  5. WoW Heather you did have a happy birtday. You even have friends and family that listen. One of my favorite birthday presents after we bought this place was a rotitillor that I wanted - remember I said I was like you back then? LOL
    I have to laugh because my last BD was a BIG one with a '0' after the first number. I figured at the very least I'd get calls telling me how very old I was. Nothing squat nada. Maybe they were being nice? It was even the first time in my life I think that my parents didn't even call me! Guess the next one has to be better huh? LOL or worse - because it was a totally quiet and relaxing day!!!

  6. I'm glad you had a good day Heather!

  7. Happy Birthday to you Heather! (albeit a day late)

  8. What a great Birthday!
    Glad it was happy!!

  9. Happy belated birthday! What a haul!

  10. Sounds like a great birthday with lots of fun gifts. It sounds like they all know you very well!

  11. How great! You have awesome friends and family! I love that edger....I must have one. Gardening gifts are the best. I hope the rest of your week is just as wonderful.
    Hey go find me on Facebook. If you go the bottom of my blog it will give you a link to it :)

  12. Lots of great presents! Happy belated! Janet

  13. That sounds like a wonderful birthday! And - edger - I didn't know there was one like that (always thought of edgers as a gas powered thing) now I am envious! ;-)

  14. What a nice looking chicken waterer, and that edger looks great, too. Nice gifts! Glad you had a nice birthday.

  15. Happy Belated Birthday! So glad to hear you had a good day! Love the pic of you in the sombrero! You got some really great gifts. I still can't believe you have a grown daughter. You looks so young! --Jackie

  16. Am glad that you had a great birthday celebration!
    Yes, I used hardware cloth for my chicken tractor.
    Chicken wire is great for keeping chickens in, but it sure won't keep anything out!

  17. What a fantastic birthday! Good for you, you deserve it!

  18. Happy Birthday! Hope everything goes well with your new chickens! Hooray for chickens!!

  19. Nice chapeau! Happy happy day and many more!

  20. I love all your chicken/ gardening presents. Happy Birthday!

  21. Happy happy birthday Heather...sounds like you were properly celebrated! Spring is the best birthday gift,enjoy! Brian

  22. Happy Birthday! Great loot!

  23. There's no turning back with gifts like that. You are a Gardener and a Chicken Lady!

  24. I've never known anyone in my life who got this kind of chick stuff for her birthday. You look good in the hat. Olay!

  25. A bit belated, but happy birthday. Love the hat! Perfect for the Idaho sun... Look forward to reading your adventures with the chickens. And you know what, I could use one of those edgers too.

  26. I know I already wished you a Happy Birthday on Blotanical, but I wanted to leave another wish here...and say that you are one cool chick, Heather! I wish my life were as farm- and nature-oriented as yours! Here in my area, in the suburbs that is, most people cannot even imagine all the neat things you are doing! It's exciting and fun for me to read about your goings-on, as it's not something I'm familiar with (although as a child, my dad raised chickens, and a duck (Donald, my pet!) suddenly disappeared...I found out-when I was older-that we had him for dinner;-( ...Now my life is nothing close to living in the country. Wish my kids were raised like that but alas, we're planted where we are and life is good here, too--I just enjoy learning about your life!


Thank you for your ideas, suggestions or greetings. I love to hear from you and read them all.