Monday, May 11, 2009

All Dressed Up

Here is a little before and after for you~ I love before and afters. This is the island bed on April 29 of this year. I was wanting to edge it and top dress it with pretty bark mulch. Last year when I built this bed, the store where I buy my special bark mulch was out. So I was forced to use some of what I like and a whole bunch of really junky stuff from the big box store. This year I started stocking up on my favorite kind and tonight I used most of it. Time to reload!
I edged this whole bed and removed the sod layer to use as filler in another project I have going. It should compost down in that area and I did not want it here. Then I backfilled the area between the lawn and the rocks. I toted tons of this mulch from my garden shed to this bed and started top dressing the inside of the bed around all the plantings. Now it looks so pretty and clean. My edges are somewhat wobbly but they should straiten out soon, some parts the lawn were not as grown in from last years tilling of this area so I seeded those spots and it ought to look great soon.

I was thinking of planting some kind of specimen tree in this bed, maybe more than one. I really like dogwood trees but was not sure it would stay alive here. I need to do some research. I also love the American Redbud and with proper pruning it should not overpower this area. Another thing I thought would look nice would be a topiary style dwarf spruce. I do not have a formal garden but those trees are so fun and they don't grow too big for the space. One of my other project plans is to begin perimeter planting but that will require a massive bed outlining this entire yard. I need to finish all the other things we have in progress before I start that one. It will likely have to be one of the only things I have going when that one starts. I am so thankful to all the great folks who commented on how to do this. Even with all the gardening I have done, that is one thing I never knew how to do. Edging is a lot of work but the result is so worth it.


  1. Good Morning Heather, The new bed looks great! Lots of hard work I know, but the end result is so nice. I look forward to finding out what trees you decide on.

  2. Looks great! Can't wait to see it filled in. Such potential! Lol...Brooke

  3. I've got so many projects still up in the air here too. I hear you. I have a few others in mind that I'd love to do. One thing at a time though, huh? I just love before and afters!

  4. Looks fabulous! I can't wait to see it in a month.

  5. Have you ever thought of going to a horse stable and getting some of the old bedding - Those that use untreated wood chip / shavings and pile it so it composts. It makes great 'weed and feed' mulch.

    A local university uses it here and I haul away truck loads every season. It's better than anything you can buy and the bonus is it's free.

  6. I would got for the Redbud myself. Dogwoods are hard enough to keep alive in their native zone. They also enjoy a bit of shade from the hot summer sun, though in your zone, that might not be an issue as it is here.

  7. Wow, your bed looks incredible, Heather, and so does your lawn. Talk about lush! Now onward and upward! I have both redbuds and dogwoods and love both. Beautiful choices! And I'm nothing but envious of Wiseacre and his composted horse manure. Sigh...

  8. Hi Heather~~ Your visiting miracle girls are adorable. They must have the "worker" gene. I know what you mean about 13 year olds balking at the camera. Boy do I know! I love the teen years but sometimes I wish for those sweet, innocent times when everything was a cause for celebration. Or so it seemed. Perhaps my memory is a little biased with the rose colored glasses I'm wearing. :) Your new planting area looks terrific. How about a Raywood Ash? I don't know if they're hardy in your zone but they are outstanding smaller trees. Have a great week.

  9. It looks so neat and clean. I love seeing the beds look like this, soon it'll be full of plants. I love dogwoods, but I agree it might get too hot there unless it gets shade from taller trees, mine really droops once it's summer now that the big pine that used to shade it is gone.
    Worth all the work for sure!

  10. Your grass is like carpet. What is it? I must have it!!!!

  11. Wow, it looks soooo great!!! I envy you, really! The bed is esquisite and the idea of planting some trees sounds very good!

    Heather, you're a creative gardener, that's for sure!

  12. Looks like you're making great progress!

  13. What a great flower bed, you have don fantastic work here. Cute twins too.

  14. Love the bed's layout. I have a redbud and it's a great tree to see in all the seasons.

    I got an edger similar to the one you showed on a post a few days. Does it work well? I've used a shovel for the last few years, but wanted a crisper look.

  15. Heather, that bed looks wonderful! Great job on the edging and the fun part..planting! How about a red maple for a tree..won't get too big and will be colorful all summer (but no spring blooms) as I picture a tree that will branch out and shade but not get too massive for that bed.

  16. Fantastic job Heather...lots of hard work and it was definitely worth your time and efforts. It is a garden that will keep growing and giving back! It can even be expanded if you want to...down the road; you have so much land around it that adding an extra foot here and there will always be a possibility! Can't wait to watch it fill up, and see what tree you decide on!

  17. Looks great Heather as always. Your grass is lush and beautiful!

  18. We did a lot of edging last weekend too -- which is one reason why we needed the hot tub. I got a step edger similiar to the one you have and it made a big difference. I love it! You island bed is coming along great! -Jackie


Thank you for your ideas, suggestions or greetings. I love to hear from you and read them all.