Tuesday, April 14, 2009

She Said, He Said

SHE SAID: Could you please fire up the saw and clean up the weedy growth on all the willows in the big yard? I will pick up all the limbs and twigs if you will do that for me. Please, pretty please?

HE SAID: No problem! They looked a little crowded anyway.

SHE SAID: No, just clean the trunks up and I will put all the little twigs and small limbs in the 'to be shredded' pile. What do you mean they look crowded?

There, don't they look a little better?

Moral of the Story~ Be careful what you ask for.

My husband falls timber for a living. Big timber. He is very good at his job but in Idaho, log cutters get layed off for a while in the winter until it dries out a little. He misses his saw and he is bored. He likes to prune with a Stihl. I should have known better and been standing there when he started. This isn't the first time he's thinned the trees. You would think I would have learned 10 trees ago. But no, I thought we were clear on these points now. Nope, I guess I still have a lot to learn. But they do look better, not so crowded. Some were (are) leaning just trying to get to their part of the sunshine. Willows have a life span and I am pretty sure ours have exceeded their time on earth. But for now they will do. Our plan is to add trees to this big area so when the old willows need to be removed there are others ready to take their place. They look pretty sad before they leaf out but OK once they do.


  1. I love that he prunes with a Stihl. He really did prune them, but they do look good. I usually supervise my husband when he's doing any pruning, he's been known to "prune" a shrub like a perennial and cut it all the way down.

  2. Heather you crack me up.
    LOVE the he said - she said!

  3. Your husband is like mine, always wants to cut down trees. I tell you though, if my husband did this to my trees-we won't go there!:-0

  4. I was waiting for the last 'He Said' to be - Now you pick up.

  5. Too funny Heather. Somehow when you write I can visualize! LOL but they turned out ok. Lucky it wasn't a really serious boo boo. Mr. Bob got to get it out of his system when we moved here. He cut the whole back woods down so we could have a yard. Well, they were falling on our roof 2 at a time when a storm came we had to do something.
    Your yard looks very nice.

  6. I hear you Heather! We need to be very careful and very particular when we ask for something related to the garden. My husband made already three trips to HD, back home and again to HD - trying to buy a trellis that I need. 3 trellises bought, 3 returned. Didn't he hear my description?!

  7. This post is too funny! I just had the exact same thing happen, and my husband's feelings got so hurt when I had a horrified look on my face! LOL! We should definitely be glad they are at least trying to please us! :)

  8. Really funny! I think all the husbands in the whole wide world are the same!! They should join a club or something! :)) Two weeks ago, when the coniferous guy came, I said to my husband "please be moderate, buy only one or two". He bought 5. One week ago when the guy came again, he was moderate too: he bought 7. Yesterday, a present for our Easter on Sunday, he bought another 5.

    Your hubbie made the yard looks very neat and it looks like you have a lot of space, nice and arranged.

  9. He prunes with a Stihl. I like this man. Sounds like what I did this past fall. Well, I needed more sunlight for the tomato bed. And I got it.

    How funny.

  10. Oh, Heather, your post is so 'spot on'...I got a chuckle...can so identify....my husband doesn't fell timber professionaly (he'd probably like to!) but, I, too have learned to always stand nearby and point to the branches I need trimmed...never, never, never leave him unattended with a chainsaw! Love your photos of the 'incident'!!!

  11. Very funny!! I loved that....

  12. Must confess I get very 'pruning happy' and usually end up with A LOT less plant than my hubby bargined for....ooooppps

  13. Oh Dear! * laughing* I know just what you mean about being careful what you ask for.

  14. I hear you, I asked Gar to turn over the soil in my garden plot for me. He did, only thing is he never bothered to remove the dandilions, he just pulled out the fall rye and thew that out. He did not know the difference. LOL. We had a good laugh as I switched everything around.


  15. Ack!!! I'm afraid of willows because of their ever-questing roots, but I love the soft gold-green sheen of new willow foliage this time of year. Hopefully yours will put on a show for you despite their drastic "trimming"!!!

  16. Oh, my! Poor Birch once lopped off a limb along our garden path. I called it a draping limb for the way it framed my garden. He saw it as a drooping limb for the way it scratched his forehead every time he walked past. I screeched a little at its loss. Now we have a tree guy. Birch figures I won't screech at a stranger.

  17. hehe - I am just glad I am not the only one that has those kind of communication gaps with the hubby :-) (thought it isn't with tree trimming for me)

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  19. You know how men are with their power tools!

  20. How the man fits well with the chainsaw... cheers! ~ bangchik

  21. Hi Heather, I hope you were at least able to smile over this incident--it seems like writing this post was good therapy for you! You aren't alone when it comes to different interpretations of (what we believe) is perfectly clear information!! It happens all the time, both in and out of the garden!

    In the garden: I asked my husband to help me pull out some annoying, clinging, crawling vine that wrapped itself around everything in sight. I pointed out which vine it was. There was some vinca in there that I wanted to keep, along with a bunch of perennials. Can you guess what happened?! Like Tina said, 'I won't go there' right now!

    Out of the garden: Ah, let's see...about 85% of our conversations seem to end up with some form of miscommunication! (And we've been married for 31 years!).

    Happy planting (and pruning!!)


  22. That was hilarious. Thanks for making me laugh... I need that.

  23. Men! Can't trust in the garden with power tools!LOL

  24. OK I am on his side, now there are two of us to beat up. Yes I would weed the garden with a chainsaw if I could. What i call a complete pruning is when there is a very low stump left.

    Lets see if we can get some more laughs with this.


  25. It was the POWER TOOLS. You said he's a logger so maybe not but for my hubby any chore requiring the use of a power tool takes priority. :) Nice spread of your acreage. The lawn is green. Yay!

  26. Well he really does look good with his stihl. I like my husband in a tool belt so I ask him to wear it a lot. You are most entertaining and your willows look like they will be happy.

  27. Very cleverly written! Remember to show us all a photo of the willows in their leafy glory.

  28. Doesn't this seem like a Tim The Tool man moment...only know one got hurt! gail


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