Saturday, April 25, 2009

The First Wall Is Up!

The first wall of the chicken house is up! Whoohoo!!!!! I am so excited. I spent the whole grueling day in Boise trying to pack up my Dad's house and hating every minute of it. When I got home, I got this! Life got much better after seeing progress on the new chicken coop. This picture does not really show how tall this is. I am actually shocked it is so tall. The south wall is 12 ft tall to accommodate the pitch for shedding snow. I don't visualize very well so I was aghast at how tall that is when you stand right up next to it. We wanted to be able to stand inside the whole thing. The footprint of the coop will be 10 x 16 with 6 foot of that an ante room you walk into first. I plan to store all my supplies and feed in there so we don't have to treck around in the snow in the winter. We also preplanned a pop door in this area so that in the future, one side can be used as a brooder. You know... just in case we go totally chicken crazy. We are no construction gurus. Our friend, Monte, is helping us build this. Actually he seems to be building while we watch and get what he needs. He is one meticulous fellow. I thought I was bad. He is seriously anal. All in a good way, of course. He will need to really like chicken and eggs. We are on the barter system around here, with the lovely economy and all. So I plan to keep his family in the good stuff for as long as they will take them. The main body of the house only has one roof elevation and off the back side, there will be a covered run. It will look a lot more even when it is all there. I will keep you all updated.

And last but not least, the Inspector showed up again. Ollie loves to smell the hammer just before you swing it to drive a nail. He also likes to lick the tape measure and is absolutely in love with string line. Lime green is his favorite. What a pain in the rear end when he is putting his feet up on your legs when you are squatted down to look something over closely. Kind of throws off the balance a bit. We finally had to put them away. Way too curious for safety reasons. Osha must have some kind of rule against livestock on a construction site.


  1. Hi Heather~~ Ollie The Inspector, Licker, Sniffer and general get-in-the-way-guy is awfully cute. It would be hard to say NO to that face and those sweet eyes.

    Chicken house looks great. I think the photo depicts very well its height. A friend of mine recently built a shed with the same roof pitch. I was surprised to see how tall it was but it works.

    And was that blue sky in the background! :)

  2. Wow, congrats! It will be a huge chicken house for at least 2-300 chickens, hehe! Great job!

  3. It looks great so far! I'll be following since I hope to build a shed soon. Anything I can learn about the construction process is helpful! It looks like you have a black kitty who may enjoy the chicken coop as well!

  4. Poor little Ollie just wants to help! Ha ha ha. I can imagine, just like having a three year old around.

  5. Ollie sounds as "helpful" as Speedy is. Luckily she's an inside cat and is easily contained if she gets out of hand. Bartering is good. Who would ever get tired of fresh unpasturized eggs anyway?

  6. How exciting and smart too. Can't wait to see it done.

  7. Looks like a great start! Don't you just love it when you come home to surprises like that! My neighbor has laying chickens -- about 10 of them on a surburan 3/4 acre lot. When he lets them out loose I feel like we live on a farm! Love it! --Jackie

  8. The chickens are going to be happy with their new home.

  9. That's looking great. I can't wait to see it with chickens inside. I'm glad you have such a great friend to help and make sure it's done just right. Your inspector must just be checking the tools to be sure they are safe. I think all goats believe in "safety first" don't they? :)

  10. Glad for your progress...absolutely love the goatie pic!!! So cute!!!

  11. i'm so excited to see this happening! i'll enjoy learning more about chickens, too. you guys don't kid around when it come to projects!

  12. This brought back memories of when we had our chicken coop built. I was soooo excited. Since we haven't had chickens for several years now, it has become my second garden shed on one half and the other half holds bags of leaves and straw bales for composting. The door is hanging off it's hinges and is in need of repair, but it really was glorious when it was new! :-)

  13. You know that I have to keep my wife from seeing your blog. I'm not quite ready to go back to the land again. I'd have to give up my day job (hobby) and I'm not tired of it yet.

  14. Our puppy is just like your inspector! He wants to "help" us dig, right where the shovel comes down. I finally had to put him inside, for fear he'd get a paw cut under the shovel or dig up my new plantings. He absolutely loves dirt - he sticks his whole face into my potting soil, and I've seen him slurp up mud like it's a spilled milkshake. If I could just teach him to pull weeds....


Thank you for your ideas, suggestions or greetings. I love to hear from you and read them all.