Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dang Goat

It really is hard to be annoyed with this funny little goat. Ollie is just a character. Heck, he's even photogenic. We have been letting them out of the barnyard and into the yard while we work outside. We figured they could use a change of scenery too. Plus their little feet could use some trimming which can effectively be done on the alphalt of the drive if they would just stay on the driveway. Ollie has decided I must be one of his 'girls'. He started trying to herd me, and headbut me when I don't do what he wants. Which is all made more annoying by the fact that he is a wether goat. Short for neutered. This little dork, slept in my house because he was such a ninny when we got him. I couldn't stand the thought of him feeling afraid or mistreated by the girl goats. Now he is king of the hill. Not so cool when acted out by a 45 pound goat. He is little and full of attitude. I think he sometimes forgets who feeds him so well here. OK, so my husband feeds him, but I let him be fed. He should remember that. The funniest thing I have seen in a while is Ollie running full tilt down the long driveway. His back end gets going faster than his front legs will take him and you just know there is about to be a disaster. There never is, but it is damn funny nonetheless. He always has to keep Doyle in sight and yells if he can't see him. My husband has a bromance going with a pygmy goat. Nuts, huh?


  1. When I saw the title of your blog, I had to sub because I'm thinking of getting a goat someday. Great to meet Ollie and looking forward to hearing more about your "bromance" LOL.

  2. Heather, Hello...What a fun post! I joke that what I need is to rent a goat or two to clear out the wayback on my property. Actually, I looked into it and it was more complicated then I thought...I did a post about it, too! I shall add your url to my must visit list! Gail

  3. OMGosh.... Too cute. I want to come over to play too.. We have 3 dogs now, and if hubby would let me we'd have a whole farm...lol. I tamed a wild duck last year and named him Charlie... Love the picks! hugs...Brooke

  4. You just gotta' love that little face.

  5. oh, he's the cutest!
    I suppose you use the milk. Making any cheese?

  6. It seems as though Ollie definitely keeps your life interesting!

  7. That is the cutest little goat I have ever seen! I must have one. I love your blog!

  8. He is a wild looking thing isn't he? I bet he is most fun-head butting or not!

  9. Adorable. You're making me want a goat instead of my snotty little black cat!

  10. Hi Heather, I told you at the start your goat title drew me to your blog! I LOVE them but pygmies - omg - and pygmies with an attitude. Ollie just has the most precious little face. You are NOT doing anything to change my mind about wanting a goat and where would I keep one? Probably in the house with me like you did!

  11. Bromance! HAAHA! May the two of them soar together forever, like majestic... brogles?

  12. Oh my goodness - I would imagine it wouldn't take long to smile at a fuzzy face like that - even after he head butted me. :-)

  13. This makes me wants goats all the more. Soooo precious!

  14. Heather~~ I'm a city girl when it comes to livestock which is code for no thanks. But Ollie, personality plus.

    No mention of your starvation diet or your injury. Are things better?

  15. Hmm... I am a city girl like Grace also. And in this part of the world, I have never seen a goat like Olie. He is funny? So cute :-)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. O.K., I'm just jealous now...

  18. He does appear to have a bit of attitude. Such a cute face though.

  19. hahaha Heather! Once, when my children were little, a stray goat appeared in our yard. It was a pygmy doe with a nice set of pointy horns and she gave my trio a chase around the driveway. The two older children leaped into the car and locked the goat -- and their 3 year old sister -- out. I heard terrified screams and saw my tiny daughter come running up the steps to the house with the goat in hot pursuit. What a riot! She still hates goats. Even though she's taller now, she still thinks she's eye to eye with horns every time she sees one. :)

  20. It's clear you're a 'softie' for animals, Heather...keeping him inside because you didn't want the girl goats to mess with him;-) Ahh. He's cute...even though annoying!

  21. What a funny little guy. I get a kick out of animals that have lots of personality...he seems to fit the bill. What fun.

  22. Ollie is the cutest :) What a great photo of him.
    Visiting a flora and fauna farm in Australia once with my sister-in-law and youngest daughter, there were pygmy goats. One looked exactly like your Ollie and he followed us around the whole time we were there. He was so lovable. My SIL at one point was cuddling him on her lap. She took off her clip-on earrings and put them on him for a photo. It was hilarious :) I can understand why your hubby is attached to Ollie. They're just like little dogs and have so much personality.


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